Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Kenneth John Barsby BEM

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Introduction I am [78] years old and have lived here for over 20 years. I operate a livery yard with my family and have had 50 horses in the business. I object to the development as it would be a detriment to the business and its future. The proposed development is on our boundary and there is no justification to locate the rail terminal in this area. There are at least four other locations that are servicing the needs within a 40 mile radius. The employment in the area is very good And does not need this. There is no provision for parking of employees or associated suppliers vehicles on the site plan. No bus services currently operate. The roads around the area are already over burdened with the M69 and A47 not able to cope with the current use with plans for Leicester Forest East, Earl Shilton and Barwell already approved for housing and business premises we have more than enough development within this area already. Flooding is already happening along Burbage common Road and Station Road on a regular basis. The existing brooks and streams cannot handle the volume already. When buildings and concrete, tarmac etc are in place of naturally drained fields this will cause catastrophic problems. On the outskirt of Elmesthorpe the proposed crematorium has come to halt over 12 month ago because of these problems regarding flooding. The B581 Station Road Elmesthorpe is already overloaded with traffic and very little pavement, this is dangerous to pedestrians and does not allow for any further increase in traffic. The noise and pollution to resident in the village is not acceptable let alone the lack of sleep and causing mental health issues. Junction with Station Road into Burbage Common Road should be left with no alterations as this services the residents and our business only, I understand it will be emergency access only for the site and restrictions to be made before the development is started. Lorry parking on site for heavy goods vehicles will be causing air pollution and noise with equipment and plant moving 24 hours around the site. Lighting will be a major issue as this affects the horses and wildlife as well as residents. The visual impact will be a major blot on the countryside around us, with the Burbage Common being a nature and recreation facility. The sewerage and waste will be an extra burden on the already overstretched services a risk to houses and land being flooded. No information regarding the survey on planning of attenuation lakes which are not sufficient for the size of the site, the public meetings were not helpful as they did not take any notice of our concerns or questions. Rights of way and access to Burbage Common for horses has not been taken into account a the plan shows the diversification to the M69 island with a pelican crossing which is wholly impractical for horses and requires either a bridge or underpass similar to one on the A47 bypass. Wildlife and loss of farmland is a great loss and within the development where is the provision for the soil that will be displaced and should not be taken off site. Green credentials will impact enormously on the area and no account has been taken of this within the project.