Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Les Bryant

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Totally out of scale and inappropriate for the area. Impact on bio-diversity, cutting Burbage Common off from adjoining countryside. Burbage Common is a natural recreational space, something urgently required to help alleviate the stresses of modern-day living. There is nothing else in the area that provides this. Walking alongside a 100-foot-high metal clad building for half a mile will not reduce stress levels. This is a very popular location for dog walkers and those seeking gentle exercise in a natural and diverse setting that will be ruined by the noise and scale of this alongside it. Height and scale of buildings will dwarf the area. 24 hour lighting and activity will drive wildlife away forever. Impact of 10,000 truck movements a day (i.e. 1 every 11 seconds of the day and night) on air quality and road system throughout Hinckley and surrounding area. Trucks joining M69 travelling north will add to already congested J21 on M1. Trucks travelling along Northern Perimeter road will create total seizure at Dodwells junction at the A5 and further afield along the A5. The road system throughout Hinckley area cannot cope with this level of proposed useage. How will Littleborough survive with additional 17 lengthy trains passing through the village which is served by a level crossing? The claim that it will create 8,000 additional jobs is total fantasy. The nearby DIRFT at Daventry made no difference to the unemployment figures for the town. The jobs will be for construction workers who will disappear after completion, there will be very few jobs in the automated warehousing that they propose to create. People live nearby to this proposed area and use the facility of the common and rely upon the road system, it is not an old industrial estate or radio transmitter station. It will have a detrimental effect on all those lives, greed of the few should not be allowed to impact on so many.