Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by B Pollard

Date submitted
22 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have been following this proposal since its inception, and I am venomously opposed to it on all levels. Having engaged with Tritax personally at one of their local consultations, am I bewildered as to how they can actually function as a company. Their complete lack of understanding of their own project, its impact on the area and residents was astounding, and the lack of any solid information in response to my questions was of great concern. They were not even able to quantify what customer base they were aiming for. The location is a very poor choice, especially with it being so close to several established road-rail terminals. My concerns outlined below take into account the impact this project will have both during construction (I was advised by a member of the Tritax team that this will take 10 years!), and once it has been completed. I am concerned about the permanent environmental impact that this project will have, the loss of green land and the damage to Burbage common to which the proposed reparations are woefully inadequate. I am concerned about the many forms of pollution this project will generate; primarily noise and exhaust fumes from the dozens of lorry movements per hour, from materials arriving and waste being taken away during construction, plus the mud and filth from the construction which will cover the surrounding roads and lorries damaging verges and discarding litter. I am concerned about the damage to the road infrastructure that will occur both during construction and once completed. The proposed alterations are inadequate and do not deal with anything other than the immediate area around the site. I am concerned about the impact the site will have on the already busy Leicester to Nuneaton line. Trains awaiting entry into the site will block foot crossings and cause congestion on a line which already sees a considerable number of trains per hour. I am also concerned about the general safety of the roads in the area which will be compromised by the many lorry movements to and from the site, leading to the increased risk of traffic incidents. As things currently stand, there are already certain points on the A47 and A5 roads which are routinely brought to a stand-still due to the volume of traffic and see regular incidents. I see no provision to adequately deal with this increase of heavy traffic in the plans, an additional slip road on to the M69 and other minor alterations to local roads is not a solution. Hundreds of additional lorry movements per day will cause significant damage to road surfaces and structures in the surrounding area. The roads will be better without the lorries, it’s as simple as that, no amount of adjustment can counter the increase in traffic in what is essentially a rural area. I asked a very simple closing question to the Tritax staff at the Hinckley consultation; what positives will the HNRFI development bring to the residents affected by this monstrosity of a project, and no answer which couldn’t be picked apart with fact was forthcoming. This project will bring nothing but misery to all those in the surrounding villages, and take from them rather than give anything back.