Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Groby Parish Council (Groby Parish Council)

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

Dear Sirs Re: Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange Following a meeting held on Thursday 15th June 2023, members of the Planning & Development Committee of Groby Parish Council agreed to submit the following comments on the proposal: i. The Planning & Development Committee are deeply concerned of the increase in vehicle movements within this area, on roads which already cannot cope. ii. The loss of Green Field Sites and Environmental impact. iii. Question as to whether this is the most appropriate location for a National Rail Freight Interchange. iv. Concerns on the increase of Air Pollution throughout the County. v. The huge impact this will have on the biodiversity of the area – affecting wildlife and hedgerows. vi. The Committee didn’t feel that the project would achieve Net Zero overall including the construction of the site and surrounding infrastructure required. vii. Due to the nature of the build, the increased volume of traffic & local journeys to the HNRFI will affect the National Forest and surrounding areas. viii. The committee feel that the National Forest should be a major consultee. With the current cost of living crisis, the committee were disappointed that Tritax Symmetry were charging £15 for a USB stick and £1,500 for paper documents of the application. The committee thought this was excessive and discriminates those residents who do not have access to a computer. Yours faithfully The Planning & Development Committee of Groby Parish Council