Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Katie Iliffe

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to you with deep concern about the plans for the Hinckley rail freight interchange, and I wanted to highlight a specific point that directly affects our community. The proposed rail freight interchange would result in continuous freight trains passing perilously close to May's Cafe, which has been a cherished gathering place for our community for many years. This cafe, located in the heart of Burbage Common, is not only a place of respite but also a focal point for locals and visitors who come to enjoy one of Leicestershire's finest walks. The thought of these massive freight trains thundering by just a stone's throw away from May's Cafe is distressing. The noise pollution alone would shatter the serene ambiance that visitors and patrons have come to appreciate. The tranquility and peace that May's Cafe provides would be obliterated, diminishing the joy and solace that it has brought to countless individuals and families over the years. Furthermore, the presence of these imposing trains would undoubtedly mar the natural beauty of Burbage Common and its surrounding landscapes. The uninterrupted views, the delicate harmony of nature, and the sense of escape that this area provides would be intruded upon by the imposing industrial infrastructure. The charm and appeal that draw people to this remarkable walk would be irreversibly tarnished, leaving a lasting impact on the community and visitors alike. May's Cafe, with its warm hospitality and idyllic setting, has played an integral role in fostering a sense of community and togetherness. It has provided a place for people to connect, share stories, and form cherished memories. The constant disruption and intrusion from the passing freight trains would fundamentally alter the essence of this beloved establishment and undermine the very fabric of our community spirit. I implore you to take this specific concern seriously and consider the irreversible consequences that the proximity of these freight trains would have on May's Cafe and the overall experience of Burbage Common. Protecting our cherished gathering places and preserving the beauty of our natural landscapes must be at the forefront of any decision-making process. Please listen to the heartfelt pleas of our community and explore alternative solutions that prioritize the preservation of May's Cafe, the enjoyment of Burbage Common, and the well-being of our residents. We cannot let a project of this nature trample upon the places that hold such significance and bring us together. Sincerely, Katie