Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by The Bryan Family (The Bryan Family)

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We live very close to junction 2 of the M69 so the development of this site is going to impact our daily lives for many years. Over the last 19 years the traffic on the M69 and the surrounding local roads has increased massively and the developer of this site is proposing that we're going to get 10000 more HGV traffic movements a day; this will impact the villages! During the public consultation a rep from the developer was asked about the green credentials of the project and admitted the local residents will 'be taking one for the team'; no mention of this was made in the supporting presentation. Also the time frame for getting actual trains using the site and a reduction in HGV activity was presented as a long term hope; maybe 10 years! Our concern is that we will be left with years of development work and disruption and increases in local traffic and associated air pollution and at the same time no real commitment that the HGVs will go. The landowners and developers will have had their money and the local residents will be the ones having to live with it all. Also, recently the developers have shifted the goalposts by proposing that the site will now serve Manga Park and DIRFT? Why not send the trains there to begin with? We're going to end up with HGVs everywhere. We need LESS road traffic not more. And, at a recent planning meeting we found out that government rules for developing these large sites within the 'golden triangle' of the midlands has changed with the aim of ensuring these big logistics parks are spread out more? If that is the case, then the government should be leading by example and making that happen, rather than waving through another development on top of all the others we have around us. Thank you. Ed Bryan