Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Carolyn Jane Carvell

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have recently moved into this area from the city of Leicester. I have been reassured since my move that my new surroundings are much safer in terms of air quality and light pollution. I have also been overwhelmed by the abundance of wildlife in the area. My move, therefore, has been very beneficial not forgetting the health benefits as a result. Therefore, I am horrified to see the proposals for this new development. I am bewildered not only from the extra pollution generated by the huge increase in traffic this development will generate but also the devastation to this beautiful unspoilt area of Leicestershire. I feel serious consideration should be given by the Examiners to the national policy with regard to reducing pollutant emissions caused by burning fossil fuels which in this proposal will be used not only in the increase of the number of trains running through the freight depot but also from the massive increase in fuel used by incoming and outgoing vehicles. Are we not part of the policy for the reduction of pollutant emissions in this area of Leicestershire? Are the trains and vehicles using the facility going to be electric? In addition, I have to question what is the necessity for 6 x football pitch size units at 91ft high? If this is a 'freight depot' utilising the existing train line for loading and offloading, why are these huge units necessary? Isn't the point of utilising the train line to get large polluting vehicles off the roads? The provision of these huge warehouses merely increases the polluting vehicles in this area. I understand the UK has a record of being one of the worst countries in the world for loss of wildlife and habitat. There has recently been much discussion on this subject and I must admit I was shocked by what I read/heard. This is recent and up to date information issued by the World Wildlife Fund and other reputable organisations. On the background of this terrible situation, I feel the Examiners must consider very seriously the impact of this proposal both locally and nationally on the background of existing 'greening up' and 're-wilding' policies which all citizens are being encouraged to adopt. This development contradicts all of these policies which are meant to preserve, not destroy. In terms of light and noise pollution, since moving into this area I have enjoyed the opportunity to actually see the stars in the sky and hear the sounds of the existing wildlife which has been a joy and not something experienced by living in a city. There are a number of delightful villages which will suffer greatly from this proposal and will lose their history and identity by the 'destruction' of this area along with it's wildlife and habitat. It sits adjacent to the beautiful area of Burbage Common and Woods, a beautiful unspoilt area which will be greatly affected by these proposals. In my opinion, this proposal is certainly not environmentally friendly or can in any way be considered a 'green' development.