Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Peter James Robinson

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Having recently moved into the area from Leicester city, I have enjoyed the relatively clean air and relatively quiet, low traffic environment in which I now live. All of this is threatened by this project. If this project goes ahead the pollution from the 16 diesel trains per day and from the huge number of enormous trucks (also all powered by diesel) would be devastating. It is not clear whether all the goods would be distributed from the hub by train or, as seems more likely, much of it would go by truck. Either way the increase in rail and road traffic will be enormous and the air pollution will be vastly increased. This at a time when science is screaming at us to reduce this pollution in order to avoid a global disaster. Six football pitch sized warehouses, all over 90 foot high, can only represent a blot on what is currently a delightful landscape. They will undoubtedly change the character of this beautiful area including the adjacent Burbage Common and woods. The effect on the wildlife will also be devastating. As a country, we are already high on the list of countries which are destroying much of their wildlife and this is the kind of destruction which we should be avoiding rather than creating. Furthermore, light and noise pollution will be greatly increased from what will undoubtedly be a huge 24 hour operation. I assume commercial benefits for someone are the driving force behind this proposal. Other than that it seems to have little to recommend it and I suggest that it would only be approved by a body which knew the cost of everything but the value of nothing.