Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Ian Sylvester

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the Rail Freight Terminal on the edge of Burbage Common, Leicestershire. 1/ it will ruin the outlook of Burbage Common. We have so few green spaces left in Burbage. 2/ there would be many more lorry journeys in the area. The A5 is already congested from Crick through to M6. Magna Park is already the biggest warehouse development in Europe. Guess where these lorries will go when a motorway is blocked? Through Hinckley and Burbage making them even more gridlocked. 3/why do we need another rail freight terminal? There are 8 in the region already including one just south of Magna Park and are not up to capacity. It’s an easy solution to build another terminal. Suggest review existing terminals. 4/ impact of 24 hr light and noise pollution in the area around Hinckley and Blaby. 5/ impact of additional road traffic around Hinckley& Blaby. 6/Impact of house prices in the area. Suggest the workforce for this terminal will come from outside the area. Who would want to live on a massive industrial site with lorries and trains arriving 24 hours a day? When there are existing alternatives already in place 7/ this whole development will just encourage speculative developers, it is not on any local plan and is not approved by any local residents or their elected representatives. This is undemocratix in my view. It is just wrong!