Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by David Parsons

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Burbage village already has parking problems which cause traffic to jam up on an ongoing daily basis. Tritax has estimated 32 trains in and out from the proposed facility. This will result in an extra 1440 HGV’s daily on these roads, or put another way, an extra HGV every minute 24/7. Tritax have stated they propose a relief road from their facility however this can not 100% mitigate their impact round here, especially knowing that Lutterworth Road is already the escape route to the A5 when other roads are shut maybe due to accident or road works, and there are plenty of these ongoing. I live off the Lutterworth road so am very concerned about the impact on my daily life in terms of air pollution, noise pollution, the frustration of traffic jams being even worse and the difficulty I see in entering or exiting my own driveway due to traffic volumes. These issues will affect my health directly so it is very concerning. In addition there will be thousands upon thousands of new people entering the area to work, visit and family members of employees, all with their own form of transport causing yet more noise and air pollution and adding to the traffic jams that already exist. All these people will need facilities which themselves will bring more noise, air pollution etc. These new people in the area will need medical services and already it is very difficult to secure a GP appointment so the burden on medical services will escalate causing illness and even deaths to go up. I enjoy time at Burbage Common but if the proposed Tritax Symmetry goes ahead there will be an immense amount of air and noise pollution round the island coming from the facility. This will degrade Burbage Common for visitors who enjoy leisure time there and indeed for the wildlife as air and noise pollution soar. The vast area of proposed buildings will further spoil the look to and from Burbage Common. In summary the extreme rise in air and noise pollution and in volume of traffic means that this proposal would be a health risk to myself and to everyone living within several miles of it.