Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Thomas Ronald Payne

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Loss of agriculture space in our area. the congestion on the M69 leading up to M1 has queues over over 2 miles already so this development will make it much worse The affect on the Burbage common beauty spot, ie, wildlife, noise, views, visitors mental welfare etc The immense increase in HGV traffic in the local area across a large amount of villages, The A5 / M69 junction is often horrific and this junction will be a significantly busier and for 24/7 which will affect many people in the area, village grid locks and regular in Burbage already. Light pollution has significantly increased in the area over recent years with other smaller but still large distribution centre's locally, the proposed is significantly larger than all these put together so light pollution will immense and irreversible. The construction traffic alone will be horrendous during a potential 10 year build to the local road network, again, noise, fumes, wear and tear on our roads to all local villages. Is the government fully utilizing other freight terminals such as Telford, Daventry etc, do we really need the new freight terminal?? The proposed location is only beneficial because of the train line and M69 locality. What about the thousands of local people in numerous villages in the wider area, making the proposed location not fit for purpose. More warehousing will bring predominantly more low skilled jobs to the area, bringing more low skilled workforce to the area, meaning more affordable housing will be needed rather than a fair balance of executive housing too. The area has seen and is seeing significant development, this proposal will only bring the neeed for significantly more development of the coming years to the detrimental of the area. The increase in train noise will be horrendous, really long heavy freight trains will be heard for miles around and throughout all of the local villages. The Hinckley bypass will be overwhelmed with HGVs coming around it to the new link Road to the site off Leicester road. Again, excess noise, heavy traffic, fumes, over a 24/7 period too. The Environmental impact of the site construction, the millions of tonnes of concrete neeeded, is this factored in? This proposed must be refused please.