Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Wendy Elizabeth Welch

Date submitted
21 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are Sapcote residents and would like the following comments to be taken into consideration regarding the HNRFI planning application by Tritax. First of all, both local MPs – Alberto Costa and Dr Luke Evans – have stated that this development is not required as similar developments are already in existence. Furthermore, during PMQs on 7th June, Mr Costa asked the Deputy PM, Oliver Dowden, to bring the application to the PM’s attention and ask for his support in looking into the need for such a development. In reply, Mr Dowden agreed to bring the matter to the PM’s attention and also commented that his constituency is also fighting similar applications for Rail Hubs. Also, Tritax mention that they have a considerable land portfolio. Is it too great a stretch of the imagination to assume that they are involved in these other, unwanted, developments? We do not believe the figures for GVA, business rates nor private investment. Surely these must be based on 100% occupancy of the site. How long would that take? If there are to be over 8,000 jobs created, how are these workers to get to work if not by road, so clogging up our already overstretched roads? Also, we are not sure of the nature of the apprenticeships which Tritax say would be created. Questionnaires that have been issued by Tritax, and which we have completed, often slanted the questions to an either/or reply – for instance, which would be of greater concern to us: the environment or increased traffic – when we are concerned with EVERY detail and the concomitant disturbance this development would cause to local residents and their everyday lives. The number of train movements per day is just not feasible. Has anybody been to Narborough to look at the station? How on earth are people expected to go about their daily routines – getting to work on the train, using the level crossing, etc – with so many train movements? If we have read the information in the guide correctly, there will be five slip roads on J2 of the M69, where there are only 2 at the moment. Obviously, this will have a highly deleterious effect on the amount of traffic through Sapcote and Stoney Stanton. A new road will not provide an answer – drivers will use the roads which provide the quickest and easiest access to the M69. Both villages are already suffering from increased traffic because of the residential developments that have taken place over the past few years and the problem of drivers not adhering to the 30-mile speed limits through the villages. In conclusion, we believe that no tangible benefits will be achieved for the local community (for instance, Blaby DC has questioned whether there will be any financial benefit to the local area) and the negative effect on the local residents and the environment must mean that this development should not go ahead. Thank you for the opportunity to express our views. Chris & Wendy Welch [Redacted]