Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Polly Jones

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to you with great concern, alongside numerous members of our community, regarding the plans for the Hinckley rail freight interchange. I firmly believe that this proposed development will have a profound and detrimental impact on our environment, the well-being of our community, and in particular, the cherished Burbage Common. Foremost among my concerns is the inevitable and irreversible impact on biodiversity in the area. The construction and operation of a rail freight interchange will undoubtedly lead to the destruction of precious wildlife habitats, resulting in the loss of vital ecosystems and posing a direct threat to numerous plant and animal species. The destruction of these habitats will irreversibly disrupt the delicate balance of our local environment, including the natural beauty and diversity found within Burbage Common. Burbage Common holds a special place in the hearts of our community. It is one of Leicestershire's finest walks, a sanctuary where people find solace and connect with nature. The unspoiled beauty of the Common, with its ancient woodlands, diverse flora, and tranquil atmosphere, has provided a haven for locals and visitors alike. The proposed rail freight interchange threatens to shatter this sanctuary, forever altering the pristine landscapes and jeopardizing the biodiversity that makes Burbage Common so special. Furthermore, the adverse consequences on our quality of life cannot be overlooked. The incessant noise and air pollution that will accompany the operation of a rail freight interchange are not mere possibilities but certainties. The constant movement of trains, freight operations, and the subsequent influx of heavy vehicular traffic will shatter the peace and quiet we currently enjoy in Burbage Common. The emissions from diesel locomotives and transportation vehicles will pollute the air we breathe, tainting the pristine environment and diminishing the enjoyment of this natural treasure. Let us not underestimate the disastrous traffic congestion that will inevitably plague our roads, including those leading to Burbage Common. The sheer volume of vehicles associated with this interchange will overwhelm our already strained road infrastructure, leading to gridlock, interminable commute times, and a sharp rise in the risks of accidents and collisions. The ease of access to Burbage Common and the flow of visitors will be severely hampered, undermining the recreational value and accessibility of this beloved area. Lastly, we must acknowledge the dire socio-economic implications that will accompany this development, affecting not only Burbage Common but also the wider community. The potential displacement of residents, loss of fertile agricultural land, and disruption to local businesses cannot be taken lightly. These adverse effects would erode the fabric of our community, uprooting families, and causing irreparable damage to the local economy and the well-being of our residents. I implore you to truly comprehend the gravity of these concerns and the impassioned voices of the community, specifically regarding the impact on Burbage Common. This proposed rail freight interchange will undoubtedly devastate our environment, erode the natural beauty of Burbage Common, compromise our health and tranquility, and undermine our social and economic well-being. It is imperative that you take immediate action to halt these plans and prioritize the preservation of Burbage Common, the protection of our community's interests, and the sustainability of our future. I urge you to stand with us, listen to our collective voice, and pursue alternative solutions that ensure the harmonious coexistence of economic development and environmental preservation, while safeguarding the precious natural heritage of Burbage Common.