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Representation by Warwickshire County Council (Warwickshire County Council)

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Local authorities

Following matters are raised by Warwickshire County Council Highways as part of the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (HNRFI) DCO proposal: 1. Consultation i. WCC Highways attended Transport Working Group meetings. 2. Trip Generation i. Trip rates agreed by WCC, based on surveys carried out 2011 and 2016 for similar rail freight interchanges; ii. Sites had no operational lorry parks at time of surveys. HNRFI lorry park should only be used by HGVs serving HNRFI (no new/diverted trips); iii. No capacity assessment results provided for proposed site access/spine road junctions. Movements associated with lorry park may impact, these junctions should be modelled; iv. Discrepancy in documents submitted in respect of numbers of employees (circa 2000). If number of employees does not cross reference to trip generation sites surveyed, then modelling carried out will not provide an acceptable position to assess transport impacts. 3. Modelling i. Transport Assessment (TA) sets out three modelling scenarios, the with infrastructure but without development (ii) is not considered relevant – without rail freight interchange transport infrastructure will not be delivered. Adverse impacts of both infrastructure and HNRFI traffic should be mitigated by applicant; ii. Impact on viability of Nuneaton Parkway in WCC Rail Strategy not considered. If HNRFI use all rail capacity for freight, no capacity for passenger growth and/or new stations to be accommodated eg. Nuneaton Parkway; iii. Modelling of HNRFI assessed for ‘with rail operations’ only, for 2026 & 2036. Mitigation will be triggered by differing scales of development at differing locations. Modelling required to identify triggers for mitigation to ensure safe and efficient network operation; iv. Furnessing process used to derive base and future year turning counts not agreed by TWG. Comparison required for turning counts derived and those in WCC Rugby Rural Area Model (RRAM) and National Highways (NH) VISSIM models for junctions within WCC network; v. A5/Gibbet Hill junction should be assessed in the VISSIM model (WCC response dated 17/08/2022). Modelled queues in LinSig submitted don’t reflect those in NH VISSIM model, nor is scheme assessed currently proposed; vi. Padge Hall Farm (consented development site south of A5 near Dodwells) not been considered. Whilst more recently consented, package of highway improvements will influence HNRFI traffic routings – impacts should be assessed; vii. Impacts at A5 Longshoot-Dodwells should be assessed in the VISSIM model; viii. RRAM modelling outputs (TA Report paragraphs 2.26 and 7.31) not submitted. Unable to comment on impact to WCC network. Mitigation works require RSA’s. 4. HGV Routing i. Proposed HGV routing strategy & ANPR measures don’t include all routes advised by WCC (29/09/2022 - receipt acknowledged but no further engagement). Local concerns that existing major distribution centres HGV movements often 'rat-run' through local Warwickshire villages. ii. Proposed establishing a Community Liaison Group and Transport Review Group to address unforeseen transport impacts associated with HNRFI (EIA Scoping Opinion response 10/12/2020), no engagement on this matter. 5. Sustainable Travel i. Warwickshire settlements and environs within reasonable commuting distance of HNRFI. Reliance placed on improving X6 bus service between Coventry/Leicester via M69. Given proposed employee numbers, long-term travel provision must be made for employees from the larger towns ie. Hinckley, Rugby, Nuneaton, Bedworth, Bulkington, Atherstone, Tamworth.