Back to list Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Representation by Stephen George Baker

Date submitted
23 June 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed National Rail Interchange at Hinckley would if approved be a disaster for Hinckley itself . Additionally,Burbage common, surrounding villages, Leicestershire and the wider region as a whole would suffer impacts on health and wellbeing. Briefly my concerns are for the environment as a whole with damage being caused to areas of natural beauty and wildlife. Air ,noise and light pollution caused by huge increases of local traffic both trains and vehicles onto already congested roads. I am particularly concerned with the effect on my own village Earl Shilton which was bypassed some15 years ago. Traffic estimates at the time did not take into account a Rail Terminal and I envisage that this will put a huge increase in vehicle movements both through the village centre and along the bypass. We do not need any more jobs in distribution as we have good local employment in the area. Indeed local distribution companies cannot get enough staff to fulfil their current needs. Bringing in more people into the area would in fact cause housing shortages which in turn would fuel more green field acquistion leading to further loss of habitat and strain on local resources. There are no benefits that this proposal will bring to this area.