Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i'r gwasanaeth hwn weithio.
Hoffem hefyd ddefnyddio cwcis dadansoddol fel y gallwn ddeall sut rydych yn defnyddio'r gwasanaeth a gwneud gwelliannau.
Rydych chi wedi derbyn cwcis dadansoddol. Gallwch newid eich gosodiadau cwci ar unrhyw adeg.
Rydych chi wedi gwrthod cwcis dadansoddol. Gallwch newid eich gosodiadau cwci ar unrhyw adeg.
Beta Gwasanaeth beta yw hwn - bydd eich adborth yn ein helpu i'w wella.
Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Mae dyletswydd statudol, o dan adran 51 Deddf Cynllunio 2008, ynglŷn â chais neu ddarpar gais. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cofnodi enw'r unigolyn a ofynnodd am y cyngor a'r cyngor a roddwyd. Mae'n rhaid i'r wybodaeth hon gael ei chyhoeddi.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
Yn dangos 26 i 50 o 59 o ddogfennau, gyda'r rhai mwyaf newydd yn gyntaf.
Canlyniadau fesul tudalen 25 | View 50 results per page | View 100 results per page
A meeting to discuss project progress to date
TWUL requested confirmation of The Planning Inspectorate being able to advise on the content of its Funding Statement in respect of the Thames Tideway Tunnel application.
A meeting was held with TWUL to discuss the Environmental Statement and associated matters.
Meeting to discuss the draft Development Consent Order (DCO).
Advice on Consultation report draft.
A meeting to discuss the preparatory measures for the Thames Tunnel Waste Water project with regard to the examination timetable and general programming logic.
Please see letter from James Good of Berwin Leighton Paisner attached
A query following on from the meeting of 8 June 2012 with regard to transboundary effects.
A meeting to discuss the draft Development Consent Order (DCO) for the proposed Thames Tideway Tunnel
Could you provide us with some advice on the issue of selecting alternative sites once the Thames Tunnel application is accepted. LB Lewisham object to both of the Thames Tunnel preferred sites wit... Darllen mwy
The advice given seeks to follow up 2 items that were discussed at the meeting on 17 April and which were not covered in detail in the Meeting Note that has recently been published on our website. Tho... Darllen mwy
A meeting to discuss the proposed Thames Tunnel by Thames Water Utilities Limited (TWUL); Statements of Common Ground (SOCG); the production of Local Impact Reports (LIR); and methods of joint working... Darllen mwy
A meeting between the Planning Inspectorate - National Infrastructure Directorate and Thames Water Utilities Limited to discuss project progress to date; Schedule 1 of the Draft Development Consent Or... Darllen mwy
Mr Baggs requested the telephone conversation and discussed a request from the GLA and some London Boroughs for an extension to their second phase of pre application consultation. He was concerned abo... Darllen mwy
Meeting to discuss the progress of the project.
A project update and discussion about procedural requirements for application documents.
Letter notifying the IPC that Thames Water's phase two public consultation in respect of the Thames Tunnel project commences on 4 November 2011.
To discuss the proposed Thames Tunnel project
Meeting to discuss the proposed Thames Tunnel project
Correspondent emailed to make representation on the proposed Thames Tunnel project
Concerns about Thames Water's pre-application consultation in respect of the duties set out in the Planning Act 2008.
Meeting with DEFRA to disucss the proposed Thames Tunnel project
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Yn dangos 26 i 50 o 59 canlyniadau