Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

Project specific advice can be viewed on the relevant project page.

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Showing 1 to 25 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View advice to Mr Grubb

    I write in relation to an instruction we have received on a proposed solar farm application in England which we believe should be consented through the Town and Country Planning Act (1990), but I... Read more

  • View advice to Pegasus Group

    Request confirmation that a proposed solar farm should not be determined as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project

  • View advice to Flotation Energy and EnBW/bp

    Lastly, since out meeting, the Project has been reviewing our approach to the Information to Support Appropriate Assessment (ISAA) and I would like to seek the Inspectorate’s view. The ISAA will form... Read more

  • View advice to Jonathan Dean

    During the examination of an NSIP does an Interested Party have a statutory right to present during the examination, and if so, which regulation permits this?”

  • View advice to The Mineral Planning Group Ltd

    Request confirmation that a proposed development should not be determined as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project.

  • View advice to David Rogers

    Please see attached.

  • View meeting with National Highways

    Project update and draft documents feedback review.

  • View advice to Russ Tucker

    Please see attached.

  • View advice to Stop Botley West

    Please see attached.

  • View advice to Aldham Parish council

    Has another request for info been issued by the PI recently on the Norwich to Tilbury Pylons please. Another village has sent me a copy of a reponse they have sent to Briston but Aldham Parish Council... Read more

  • View advice to West Bergholt Parish Council

    Please see attached

  • View advice to Various enquirers

    Various representations about the merits of the Proposed Development.

  • View advice to David Rogers

    Please see attached.

  • View advice to Nigel Pearce

    Please see attached.

  • View advice to John Webley

    Please see attached.

  • View advice to Alex Maidment

    I strongly object to the plans for Gatwick expansion using a the conversion of the emergency runway approach. It will have a serious adverse effect on the environment and the well being of humans and... Read more

  • View advice to James Freeman

    I would be grateful if you could advise on whether PINS are ok with handling a covering letter to a Joint Authority AoC response which includes the electronic signatures of ten senior officers from... Read more

  • View meeting with Gatroben Developments 2 Limited

    The Planning Inspectorate (the Inspectorate) attended the initial Steering Group meeting for the Dogger Bank D Wind Farm, held via Teams on 12 July 2023. The meeting focused on the Applicant’s... Read more

  • View advice to West Sussex County Council

    As you are aware, the ten Gatwick local authorities are working collectively on the Northern Runway Project. With regard to Adequacy of Consultation (AoC), the authorities propose to submit a joint... Read more

  • View advice to Merton Council

    Merton Council queried whether it could be included in correspondence from the Planning Inspectorate regarding the adequacy of the Applicant’s Pre-application consultation.

  • View advice to Communities Against Gatwick Noise and Emissions

    The enquirer expressed an intention to register as an Interested Party in respect of the scheme, and requested further details.

  • View advice to Anonymous

    Section 3.3.60 of the Draft Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy (EN-1) reads: “subject to any legal requirements, the urgent need for CNP Infrastructure to achieving our energy... Read more

  • View advice to Anonymous

    I am delighted to hear that there will now be a review of the offshore alternative to East Anglia Green proposals set out by National Grid, but having studied the terms of the National Grid ESO review... Read more

  • View advice to Panos Konidaris

    Enquiry in relation to a high security control centre. Section 14 of the 2008 Planning Act sets out the projects which may be considered to be NSIP and the above development does not appear to be... Read more

  • View advice to Panos Konidaris

    Enquiry in relation to a high security control centre.   Section 14 of the 2008 Planning Act sets out the projects which may be considered to be NSIP and the above development does not appear to be... Read more