Advice to Denise Carlo

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Denise Carlo
Date advice given
31 January 2012
Enquiry type
  1. Whether the IPC is the appropriate authority to hold the public inquiry into the draft Slip and Side Road Orders for major alterations to a junction on the trunk road network? Although Broadband Gate/Postwick Hub have planning permission, confirmation of the draft slip and side road orders is required by the Secretary of State in order that planning permission can be implemented.

  2. Whether Norfolk County Council ought to have referred the planning application for Postwick Hub which will form part of the national road network to the IPC and not to the local planning authority? Broadland District Council issued a Decision Notice for Planning permission for Broadland Gate/Postwick Hub on 19 October 2011.

Advice given

The IPC's remit, under the Planning Act 2008, does not encompass applications submitted before 1 March 2010. The IPC only deals with applications submitted after that date for "nationally significant infrastructure projects" as defined in that Act. On the basis of your indication that the relevant applications were submitted in January 2009, those applications should be dealt with under the relevant consenting regime(s) that existed prior to the establishment of the IPC.


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