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Advice to RE-Systems

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Date advice given
30 March 2011
Enquiry type

What guidance is there on producing a consultation report.

Advice given

Further to our telephone conversation on 30 March 2011, please find below the links to the references I mentioned about where you can find guidance on producing a consultation report:

CLG guidance Planning Act 2008 – Guidance on pre-application consultation, in particular pp. 22f:

IPC Guidance Note 2, in particular paragraphs 12f:

IPC Guidance Note 1, in particular paragraph 20:

You should also note that s.55(3) of the 2008 Planning Act states that "the Commission may accept the application only if the Commission concludes - …. (d) that the application gives reasons for each respect in which any applicable guidance given under section 37(4) has not been followed in relation to it,…"