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Advice to Claire Goodman

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Claire Goodman
Date advice given
12 June 2012
Enquiry type

Query in respect of Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

Advice given

Following our phone conversation this morning, please find a link to the Brechfa Draft Development Consent Order - this is the document that, if consent is granted, is effectively the 'permission and conditions' for the proposed windfarm. See reference to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the articles relating to, for example, temporary stopping up of streets and the associated schedules.

I also include a link to the 'front page' for the Brechfa application, which is currently our only onshore wind proposal in Wales that is in the live examination phase.

I briefly outlined certain references within the Planning Act 2008, being s.150 that relates to removal of consent requirements and this linked to the Infrastructure Planning (Miscellaneous Prescribed Provisions) Regulations 2010 which in Part 2 paragraph 25 refers to section 1, 9, 14, 15 or 22BB of the Road Traffic regulation Act 1984.