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Advice to Mr Cartner

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Mr Cartner
Date advice given
11 July 2011
Enquiry type

Mr Cartner asked for a relevant representation form to become an interested party for the Heysham to M6 Link Road.

Advice given

Mr Cartner was advised that as the project has not yet been submitted, the period for submitting relevant representations has not yet opened. Only once an application has been submitted and accepted to go forward to examination will members of the public and organisations be able to register as an interested party.

The Heysham to M6 Link road is not due to be submitted to the IPC until September or October 2011. Once the application is submitted there will be 28 days for the Commissioner(s) to decide whether or not to accept the application. If it is accepted there will be a minimum of 28 days to submit a relevant representation. The developer will set this date after the Acceptance stage. In this case the developer is Lancashire County Council.