Advice to Sellafield Ltd

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Sellafield Ltd
Date advice given
20 August 2010
Enquiry type

I havent read the detailed guidance as yet but, wondered if you have a process flow chart or timeline thats shows all the process steps with indicative durations and whose involved -step by step for your process

Advice given

Dear Mr Roberts

Thank you for your enquiry into the application process of the IPC.

The IPC was set up under the Planning Act 2008 (the "Act") and is now receiving applications. In order to provide an efficient, quicker process to handling applications for major infrastructure, the new planning process has set statutory deadlines for the IPC, Local Authorities and applicants to work to.

Attached is an information note containing a 6 step breakdown of the application process, with an explanation of each step. For more information and detailed guidance, including information on statutory deadlines, please refer to our website .