Advice to Redcar and Cleveland Council

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Redcar and Cleveland Council
Date advice given
13 December 2010
Enquiry type

A few years ago this Council granted consent for the development of a new container terminal at PD Ports on Teesside. The approval we granted was for the landward works , the seaward works were covered by a Harbour Revision order and FEPA licence etc. I have been advised by the Port that it is unlikely that they will implement the permission in the time allowed on the decision notice and are therefore exploring the possibility of renewing the application. In view of the fact that new applications for port development are now considered by the IPC, I would welcome your advice as to who would deal with a renewal of the consent

Advice given

The IPC can only grant consent for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs), which are defined in Part 3 of the Planning Act 2008. The thresholds that need to be met regarding harbour facilities are described in Part 3, Section 24 of the Planning Act 2008. You will need to seek your own legal advice about whether a project is an NSIP or not. The IPC is not able to provide you with legal advice in this repsect.