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Advice to Ramblers Cymru

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Ramblers Cymru
Date advice given
15 December 2010
Enquiry type

When can we make a representation on a case? Specifically in the case of Nant-y-Moch Wind Farm, Wales

Advice given

Representations can be made to the IPC after an aplpication Development Consent Order (DCO) has been submitted and accepted by the Commission.

At pre-application stafe of tghe process the applicant must consult statutory consultees and the local community; this is the first chance to make a representation to the applicant. If an application is submitted, the Commission has 28 days to decide whether or not to accept the application for examination.

If the application is accepted by the IPC for examination, parties can register their interest and submit a relevant representation to the IPC. Parties will be notified about the invitation to register their interest in the local and national newspapers, on site notices and also on the IPC website. The developer and local authroity is also likely to include a notice of acceptance on their websites.

During examination, registered parties will be kept up to date and will be able to make further written representations. If they wish, an interested party can request to be heard at an open floor hearing.

Advised that the application for Nant-y-Moch wind farm is expected to be submitted on the 28th February.