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Dod o hyd i Brosiect Seilwaith Cenedlaethol

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Cyngor i Bond Dickinson LLP

Yn ôl i'r rhestr


Bond Dickinson LLP
Y dyddiad y rhoddwyd y cyngor
1 Mai 2014
Math o ymholiad

I am trying to find out how many notifications of projects have been made to PINS or the IPC under the 2008 Act. The National Infrastructure Planning website lists some projects which have been withdrawn and consequently archived and removed from the website. How many applications have been withdrawn and removed from the website?

Additionally, how many Applications have been made but not accepted for Examination?

Cyngor a roddwyd

As your query consists of three questions, I shall answer each one in turn.

How many project notifications have been made to PINS/IPC?

Firstly, since the Planning Act 2008 regime came into force, there have been 121 project notifications for potential Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) applications.

How many projects have been removed from the website?

Secondly, there are 22 NSIPs that have been removed from the website because either the applicant had confirmed that the scheme is no-longer proceeding (19 - see table below), or the application had been submitted and was subsequently withdrawn by the applicant (3). The latter is expanded on in the response to the next question.

Sector Project Energy Bryn Llywelyn Wind Farm Energy Hull New Biomass Power Station Energy Brigg North Lincolnshire Power Station Energy Mersey Tidal Power Scheme Energy Teesside Generating Station and Harbour Facilities Energy The Isles Wind Farm Energy Fawley Oil-Fired Reserve Plant Energy Centrica Glanford Brigg Biomass Power Station Energy East Thurrock Connection Project Energy South Wales Network Upgrade Energy Thorpe Marsh 400kV Overhead Line Project Energy Warrington West Realignment Transport Cheesemans Green Transport A21 Kippings Cross to Lamberhurst Improvement Transport M1 J28-31 Managed Motorway Improvement Transport Elmbridge Transport Scheme Transport Future Luton: Expansion Transport Ordsall Chord Manchester Waste and Waste Water Deephams Sewage Works Upgrade

How many applications have been submitted and not accepted?

Finally, there have been 3 NSIP applications that were formally submitted that did not meet the desired criteria to be accepted for Examination by the Planning Inspectorate; The Brig y Cwm Energy from Waste Generating Station, the overhead line connection to Maesgwyn Wind Farm and the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal (DIRFT III) applications were all determined as a non-acceptance. The Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal III (DIRFT III) application was first submitted in November 2012 and the decision for non-acceptance was issued on 28 November 2012. Following advice from the Planning Inspectorate, the applicant re-submitted the application which ultimately was accepted for Examination in March 2013.