Advice to Health Protection Agency

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Health Protection Agency
Date advice given
18 May 2010
Enquiry type

Eirain from HPA has received scoping opinion correspondence regarding Nant-y-Moch from two Local Health Boards.
HPA would like to comment on the proposal but had missed the deadline.
HPA requested clarification why consultation with the HPA had not gone the usual route (via e-mail) and what would be the timescale with which to respond.

Advice given

Confirmed that HPA were not consulted on this project as the IPC felt column 2 of Schedule 1 APFP Regulations were not met. (i.e the proposed application is not likely to involve chemicals, poisons or radiation which could potentially cause harm to people).

The IPC is aware that 2 Local Health Boards forwarded their correspondence to the HPA for comment. HPA are entitled to comment however, because the deadline date has passed, their response will not be included within the adopted scoping opinion but will be forwarded to the promoter for consideration.