Advice to EA3 and EA4

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EA3 and EA4
Date advice given
25 July 2013
Enquiry type

Submitted Draft document for review

Advice given

Thank you for sending in a copy of your draft SoCC. I have the following comments which I hope you find helpful.

  1. You may wish to consider the use of the phrases ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ consultation, if indeed you are likely to take all consultation into account and treat with the same importance, you may wish to consider the use of the terms ‘statutory’ and ‘non-statutory’.

  2. In relation to the publishing of personal information, you may wish to clarify on whether you as a developer have a duty to publish information submitted during your consultation or whether you are providing the caveat for when information is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate. The Planning Inspectorate redacts personal details in line with publishing guidelines.

  3. EIA Regulations 2009 (Regulation 10b) requires the developer to state how the developer intends to publicise and consult on Preliminary Environmental Information. There is potential in the SoCC for the inclusion of greater detail in this regard.

  4. DCLG Guidance on pre-application process 2013 paragraph 52-54 relates to developers using an iterative approach to consultation. How you plan to phase consultation could be explored through the SoCC, this is often of assistance when writing the consultation report.

  5. In relation to the general layout, it may be helpful as a point of reference to label towns on the diagrams.

As discussed, the points identified above are suggestions and do not constitute legal advice, nor do they pre-empt any acceptance decision.