Advice to Robert Wynn & Sons

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Robert Wynn & Sons
Date advice given
28 September 2010
Enquiry type

Thank for your email in response to my request for guidance regarding the process for ensuring that the decisions made by the IPC are mindful of Government policy in connection with the movement of the largest and heaviest abnormal loads.

I am grateful for you for setting out the process that we as a company could take on a project by project basis.

I do feel though it would be useful to meet with yourselves at the IPC to discuss, in generic terms how the planning process as administered by yourselves can insure that the water preferred policy is appropriately applied.

I understand that the IPC independently and impartially applies policy, this is the very reason we would like to discuss how you will be independently and impartially applying the water preferred policy for the movement of the largest and heaviest abnormal loads.

We are reasonably flexible with dates and would be happy to visit your offices in Bristol . I therefore would be grateful if you would detail when I and my colleague Martin Cleary might meet with yourselves in the near future.

Advice given

Thank you for your email.

In general terms, up to date and adopted government policy is likely to be a material consideration; but we cannot become involved in discussions about how much weight commissioners will attach to specific policies because this is a matter for the commissioners on a case-by-case basis. There is considerable guidance on our website at on how to make representations to commissioners.

With the above understood, we would be happy to meet with you at our offices to discuss how to engage with our process if you feel that it would be helpful. The next step would be for you to provide a short selection of preferred dates and times for a meeting.

You may also wish to seek clarification from Government about how to engage in the consultation process for future new and re drafted National Policy Statements (NPS). These are being produced by DECC, DfT and DEFRA. Commissioners are only required to make decisons or recommendations in accordance with designated NPSs unless the impact locally outweighs the policy in the NPS. Commissioners and are not bound by any other policy. You should contact the relevant Government department for more information.



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