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Advice to Miss Fletcher

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Miss Fletcher
Date advice given
28 August 2011
Enquiry type

The caller requested clarification on the duration of each stage in the application process, including relevant statutory deadlines. Advice was also sought on the process by which interested parties can register to make a representation, and how the IPC acknowledges receipt of such representations. The caller enquired how interested parties are prompted to make their full written representation during the examination stage.

Advice given

The caller was advised that IPC Advice note series 8 explains the application process and sets out the relevant statutory deadlines associated with each stage. Advice notes are available on the IPC website at:

It was explained that interested parties can register to have their say both online, via the IPC website, and by requesting a hard copy of a relevant representation form by phone, email or post. The caller was advised that the IPC acknowledges receipt of electronic submissions in the form of email receipts, and that posted forms are formally acknowledged in the letter notifying interested parties of their invitation to the preliminary meeting.

It was advised that the deadline for submitting written representations is included in the examination timetable which is set shortly after the preliminary meeting, and that people who have registered to have their say will receive details of the timetable directly from the IPC.