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Advice to David Hodcroft

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David Hodcroft
Date advice given
25 November 2011
Enquiry type

Do you know when the 2009 Infrastructure planning regulations will be amended to reflect the Localism Act and what are the transitional arrangements for the prescribed consultees identified in schedule 1 of the regulations?

Advice given

Sections 128 through 142 of the Localism Act, setting out the provisions for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and the abolition of the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC), will come into force in April 2012. The IPC will be integrated with the Planning Inspectorate as the National Infrastructure Directorate, and the two organisations are working together closely to ensure that there will be a seamless transfer to the new arrangements.

The Localism Act does make minor amendments to the provisions in the Planning Act 2008 pertaining to duties to consult, however the list of prescribed consultees set out in column 1 of Schedule 1 of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 remains unaltered at present. We understand that the Department for Communities and Local Government are to issue a more detailed statement regarding transitional arrangements imminently.