Advice to Corylus Planning and Environmental Ltd

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Corylus Planning and Environmental Ltd
Date advice given
17 September 2020
Enquiry type

Good Afternoon, I have a relatively straightforward question that I have ben unable to find the answer for on your website. I have been asked to look at a potential large scale solar park. I understand that if the export capacity is 50MW is will be a NSIP. What I am seeking advice on is the cumulative export capacity of a proposed solar park and an existing one. If the new solar park will have an export capacity of say 45MW but is adjacent to an existing site of 10MW will it be considered to be a NSIP? The two solar parks may share the same grid connection point but would be operated and managed separately. There would be no physical connection between the two, i.e each solar park would be fenced separately. Many thanks. Kind regards,

Advice given

Dear Helen, Thank you for your email about whether or not the proposed 45MW solar park you refer to in your email of 10 September would constitute an extension of an existing solar park. The definition of extension is set out in Section 235(1) of PA 2008 which states that, in relation to a generating station, it has the meaning given by Section 36(9) of the Electricity Act 1989. That provision of the Electricity Act states that, ““extension”, in relation to a generating station, includes the use by the person operating the station of any land or area of waters (wherever situated) for a purpose directly related to the generation of electricity by that station…”. You state that the 45MW solar park would be operated and managed separately to the existing 10MW generating station, however, you would need to clarify whether that is consistent with the definition in the Electricity Act that refers to “the person operating the station”. For example, if it was the same entity seeking to operate both stations independently of one another. You may also wish to explore the significance of the shared grid connection in that context and the ability of the solar parks to operate independently of one another. An applicant will need to satisfy itself, taking its own legal advice if appropriate, as to whether or not its proposal is an Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). The Inspectorate cannot provide you with a legal opinion on this. It should be noted that under Section 160 of PA 2008, it is an offence if a “person carries out, or causes to be carried out, development for which development consent is required at a time when no development consent is in force in respect of the development”. You may also wish to make enquiries with the relevant local planning authority about their willingness to accept an application for planning permission for your proposed solar park. Yours sincerely