Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

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Showing 601 to 625 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View advice to MMO

    Enquirer asked if public inquiries still took place under the new planning regime.

  • View advice to Client Earth

    Does the IPC deal with applications for generating stations in Scotland?

  • View advice to David Toke

    Can you tell me what the arrangements are for the issue of licenses under the European protected species requirement (do you issue this?) and also the 1991 water act for cabling crossing rivers (the... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Temple-Pediani

    Dr Temple-Pediani wrote to us to ask what would happen if one element of an NSIP project were concented whilst the other were not.

  • View advice to David Gavin

    My question is "can a Compulsory Purchase Order be applied for at the same time as the application to the IPC and determined in parallel with the application."

  • View advice to British Telecom & UKCPC

    Mr Hill represents both British Telecom and the UKCPC; he feels both the organisations he represents should be statutory consultees.

  • View meeting with Various

    Stakeholder meeting at Aberystwyth to discuss the IPC process

  • View advice to HPA

    Caller wanted some information on the examination process and how to make representations

  • View advice to Marrons

    If (i) you obtain a planning permission for a development and there is a condition attached which, say, requires that Area A should only be used for open space purposes, (ii) you then... Read more

  • View advice to Marrons

    As a general principle, can you please confirm whether a Requirement imposed on a grant of Development Consent, is superseded by a subsequent grant of planning permission as a planning condition would... Read more

  • View meeting with The Crown Estate

    Meeting with The Crown Estate to discuss issues which may arise as offshore wind developers follow the new planning process.

  • View advice to Pegasus PG

    Mr Atkin called and requested if Nuclear Power stations were to by-pass planning all togethor in an attempt to speed up the process for Nuclear Power station builds.

  • View advice to Gary Reevell

    Could you advise me if you have ever received an application for a 40MW biomass power plant at Scawby Brook, Brigg. North Lincolnshire? The application was refused by the local council earlier this... Read more

  • View advice to EWTEC

    Is it possible, once an application has been submitted to the IPC, for the sheme to be altered to fall beneath the threshold of a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and still be... Read more

  • View advice to North Lincolnshire Council

    My question relates to what happens after the application is granted in relation to minor amendments. I.e. If there was an application for an amendment to part of the original application would this... Read more

  • View advice to Lancashire County Council

    Enquirer sought clarification on s22 (2) (b) of the Planning Act 2008 as there is a high level of ambiguity.

  • View advice to Cognisant Research

    Developers are required to fund all consultation activities, including any evaluation undertaken by the relevant Local Authority. Is this accurate?

  • View advice to BPE Design & Support Ltd

    Dear Sir/Madam I am currently working on the outline design for a 50 MWatt biomass power station in Southern England and would appreciate your advice regarding the Registered Generator Capacity in... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Temple-Pediani

    Infimation copied to you was not with the intention of IPC influencing LB of Newham in any way on its LDF. It is the IPC which advised me earlier this year, which you are repeating in today's e-mail,... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Temple-Pediani

    Dr Temple-Pediani called to discuss KTI energy's proposals for the Unex site in the Royal Docks, and advice that had been given in the past.

  • View advice to Bill Temple-Pediani

    Dr Temple-Pediani of KTI energy copied us into correspondence which, intentionaly or otherwise, suggested that we had an oversight role over the behaviour or performance of local authorities, and that... Read more

  • View advice to Mariana Heimrich

    If we submit an application how would you let us know that you have accepted/refused it?

  • View advice to GVA Grimley

    What weight is to be given to National Policy Statements (NPSs) in in comparison to Planning Policy Statements (PPSs)/Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) and is a S.36 still applicable?

  • View advice to KTI Energy

    Dr Temple-Padiani wrote to us to express dissatisfaction with the requirements of the 2008 NSIP regime and to ask for guidence on whether or not a proposed course of action would satisfy those... Read more

  • View advice to SLR Consulting Ltd

    We are a consultancy working on a planning application at Hoo Island in the Medway Channel. The Island has a long standing permission for the deposit of dredged material and engineering... Read more