Register of advice

This list is a record of general advice provided by the Planning Inspectorate. We publish this to comply with the 2008 Planning Act.

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Showing 201 to 250 of 698 entries, newest first.

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  • View meeting with Consenting Forum

    Note of the Consenting Forum meeting held on 11 September 2015

  • View meeting with SP Manweb

    Meeting held for the purpose of a potential new DCO coming forward, North Shropshire Reinforcement.

  • View meeting with Gatwick Airport Limited

    A meeting to discuss Gatwick’s current position following the Airports Commission recommendation and activity since last meeting, and planned activity going forward.

  • View advice to Mott MacDonald

    Any procedure associated with sending PEIR to statutory environmental bodies

  • View advice to Eversheds

    am instructed on behalf of York Potash Limited in relation to its application for a DCO in relation to harbour facilities which is currently under Examination. We have been asked, in the Ex Auth... Read more

  • View meeting with BlueSkyBio (BSB)

    Initial meeting with the developers of the proposed Anaerobic Digestion Plant project.

  • View advice to Mr Heer Peter Brett Associates

    Queries regarding overhead lines and their diversions.

  • View meeting with Highways England

    Initial meeting to discuss the A5036 Port of Liverpool scheme as a potential nationally significant infrastructure project application.

  • View meeting with Tetronics

    Early pre application advice sought by the developer of air pollution control residue management technology.

  • View meeting with Gatwick Airport Limited

    A meeting with Gatwick Airport Ltd to discuss the planning process for NSIPs.

  • View advice to City & County of Swansea

    I’m hoping you can provide me with some advice regarding a Screening Opinion that the LPA have received, which has subsequently resulted in a planning application (please note that we have not issued... Read more

  • View meeting with Consenting Forum

    Note of the meeting held in Bristol on 8 May 2015.

  • View advice to Donna Clarke

    Dear Mr Johannson, Thank you for your email. Is it correct that these provisions only apply to an existing generating station in one legal ownership? Therefore if a different entity were to... Read more

  • View advice to Donna Clarke

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, Please could you advise as follows. An energy generation project has been granted planning consent by a local planning authority as it is under 50MW. The developer... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Temple-Pediani

    The promoter wishes to develop multi-fuel Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generating stations to serve Ebbsfleet Garden City and Dunton Garden Suburb. The promoter enquired; • whether a proposal... Read more

  • View meeting with NIPA

    Presentation given to local authorities and developers about the DCO process - see attachment

  • View advice to Walsall Council

    Please see attached documents for copy of the letter and two plans.

  • View meeting with Teleconference Call OFGEM

    Teleconference call with the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM) to OFGEM's involvement in the process.

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    Environment Agency and PINS Liaison Meeting

  • View meeting with Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

    Discussion on NSIP Pre-Application stage with Network Rail

  • View meeting with Network Rail

    Initial Meeting with Network Rail to discuss potential NSIP application, timeline and Pre-Application process for the Werrington Junction Improvement Scheme

  • View advice to Clifford Chance

    Under the Infrastructure Planning (Model Provisions) (England and Wales) Order 2009 there is a provision at paragraph 5 of schedule 1 that relates to consent to transfer the benefit of the development... Read more

  • View meeting with Consenting Forum

    Meeting note for the Consenting Forum chaired by the Planning Inspectorate on 20 January 2015. Please see attached.

  • View advice to Edward Byers

    Query regarding the Carbon Capture Readiness (CCR) and water resources in relation to the proposals for new gas powered generating stations.

  • View meeting with Highways Agency

    Meeting with Highways Agency to discuss various potential Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in the South West arising from the Road Investment Strategy

  • View advice to Matthew Frow

    I have been discussing offshore planning issues with the MMO in the recent months and they have asked that we register to receive consultee notifications from... Read more

  • View advice to Byron Davies

    I have been approached by constituents who are expressing great concern regarding the above project. It would appear that because of the existing devolution arrangements for planning, the... Read more

  • View meeting with Environment Agency

    Please see attached note of EA/PINS liaison meeting held on 14 November 2014.

  • View advice to The Crown Estate

    Advice regarding Development Consent Orders and Crown Land.

  • View advice to Mills & Reeve LLP

    I would like to enquire as to whether a Secretary of State, when making a decision on a NSIP, can make recommendations/amendments on the proposals before him, or whether he must simply grant or refuse... Read more

  • View meeting with Heathrow Airport Ltd.

    Meeting around proposed expansion of Heathrow Airport.

  • View meeting with National Infrastructure Planning Association

    Planning Inspectorate workshop with the National Infrastructure Planning Association

  • View advice to Chris Banks RES

    Correspondence dated 23 September 2014: It has been proposed that the solar PV farm and the wind farm located at the former Woolfox Lodge airfield in Rutland could be considered as a single power... Read more

  • View meeting with Department of Energy and Climate Change

    Meeting between PINS and DECC to discuss projects that have gone through, or are going through the DCO process

  • View meeting with Department of Energy and Climate Change

    Meeting between PINS and DECC to discuss projects that have gone through, or are going through the DCO process.

  • View advice to Chris Banks

    Query regarding National Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) thresholds for electrical line schemes. Would a scheme over 2km long, with a nominal voltage of 33kv, meet the desired thresholds for... Read more

  • View meeting with Canals and Rivers Trust

    Meeting between Canals and Rivers Trust and The Planning Inspectorate

  • View meeting with Canal and River Trust

    Meeting between Planning Inspectorate and The Canal and River Trust

  • View advice to Nicola Lake

    Could you please provide us with your opinion as to whether the following application would be a NSIP application or whether we are able to continue with the application. A planning Application (our... Read more

  • View meeting with Graeme Rumbol of Tetronics

    Meeting to discuss the NSIP regime in relation to Tetronics' technology. Please see attached meeting note.

  • View advice to Royal Haskoning DHV

    I am currently working on a project in Barrow-in-Furness and specifically looking at information that will be needed to inform the Habitats Regulations Assessment screening exercise. As part of this... Read more

  • View advice to Nick Thrower Rutland County Council

    I am a planning officer at Rutland County Council and have been involved in preliminary discussions with a developer regarding a wind farm located just off the A1 in Rutland. Initially the proposal... Read more

  • View advice to James Hartley

    Enquiry relating to the threshold for energy generation projects at which point they become Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.

  • View advice to Alan Josling

    I am involved in a planning application for a large scale ground based solar farm on a green field site in Hampshire. The applicant claims 49MW capacity for this solar farm. As this application... Read more

  • View meeting with Highways Agency

    Finalisation of papers discussed on 14 May 2014

  • View advice to Deborah Campbell

    Re: NNDR-S570235 TR010015 Thank you for your letter. I would advise that myself and my partner rent this property. The owner of the property is XXXXX. I hope this information is of assistance,... Read more

  • View advice to Joanne Kerrison

    We have recently moved into Great Plumstead and would like to register as an interested party concerning the NDR. We were fully aware of the planned route and have no objection. We would however be... Read more

  • View meeting with Triton Knoll Electrical System Kim Gauld-Clark

    Update meeting between the Planning Inspectorate and Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Limited, held on 12 June 2014

  • View advice to Bond Dickinson LLP

    Thank you very much for your response to my previous questions. Would it be possible for you to let me know how many notifications (i.e. where a potential applicant has informed PINS that they... Read more

  • View advice to Cheshire East Council

    I am due to provide some initial pre-application advice to a developer who is looking at undertaking a geothermal energy scheme to put the resulting hot water generated through a CHP to create... Read more