Cofrestr gyngor
Mae’r rhestr hon yn gofnod o gyngor cyffredinol a roddwyd gan yr Arolygiaeth Gynllunio. Rydym yn cyhoeddi hyn i gydymffurfio â Deddf Cynllunio 2008.
Gellir gweld cyngor penodol i brosiect ar dudalen y prosiect perthnasol.
Chwilio cyngor
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw’r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
Yn dangos 676 i 700 o 736 o gofnodion, gyda’r rhai mwyaf newydd yn gyntaf.
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Gweld cyngor i Natural England
Mr Neale called requesting further information on the Hole House Farm Gas Pipeline project, proposed by National Grid. He sought further information and clarity on the project's status and whether the... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Able UK Ltd
What are the logistics for submitting a scoping report to the IPC for an opinion?
Gweld cyngor i Bill Temple-Pediani
Dr Temple-Pediani wrote to clarify whether or not a proposal for a generating scheme forming part of a larger building in the Royal Docks fell to be considered by the London Borough of Newham or by us... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Sellafield Ltd
I havent read the detailed guidance as yet but, wondered if you have a process flow chart or timeline thats shows all the process steps with indicative durations and whose involved -step by step f... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Paula Craig
Paula Craig, a researcher at Queens University Belfast, wrote to us to ask for some general information about the role of the IPC and the process by which policy was formed.
Gweld cyngor i Jacobs
Planning permission has already been granted for construction of 9 underground gas storage caverns (approx total capacity 420Mscm) although construction has not commenced yet. The project now needs to... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Linda Rogers
Caller was concerned that she had been given little time to respond to a consultation request and that all four proposed substation locations for the onshore connection are unsuitable.
Gweld cyngor i Robert Wynn & Sons Ltd
Mr West wrote to us to explore how best to engage with the consent process to ensure that energy proposals reflected the “Water Preferred Policy” for the movement of abnormal indivisible loads.
Gweld cyngor i Forestry Commission Wales
I am working developing a framework for assessing the Community Benefit/Trust Fund commitments made by developers regarding wind farm developments on the Assembly Woodland Estate. I am interested in ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i M.J.C.A.
Mr Mordue telephoned the IPC to enquire whether or not the advice on format and presentation of documents in Advice Note 6 applied to enviromental statements.
Gweld cyngor i AECOM
Further to our conversation I have a client who wished to construct a anaerobic digestion plant for the production of bio-fuels. Therefore I was wondering if you could provide any advice on what thres... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i K Little
Registering an interested for several wind farm projects in Wales, from a letter from a member of public.
Gweld cyngor i Keith Dalton
Is it possible for the IPC to provide a scoping opinion on a project where there are 3 potential sites?
Gweld cyngor i Elizabeth Jones
What is included within a decision notice? More specifically, does the decision notice only provide planning permission for a proposal or does it include consent to other regimes.
Gweld cyngor i Coventry City Council
Coventry City Council explained the background to the Coventry to Nuneaton Rail Improvements Project, with particular reference to the proposed new stations at Coventry Ricoh Arena and Bermuda Park, a... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Clive Hughes
Request for details on fees and the pre-application process
Gweld cyngor i Olympics and Thames Gateway UDC
What is the status and role of urban development corporations in the context of s42 of the Planning Act 2008. Urban Development Corporations (and there are 2 in the Thames Gateway) have planning power... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Augean
Augean wrote to the IPC to notify us of their intention to submit a development consent order application for development of a hazardous waste magement facilty near Peterborough.
Gweld cyngor i Arup
We are giving some strategic advice to a client regarding a DCO to be submitted to the IPC. We are trying to determine if it is possible to integrate particular ‘non-planning’ consents and permits req... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Winford Emanual
Does an application submitted to the IPC which is located in Wales need to be submitted in English?
Gweld cyngor i Cognisant Research
To whom it may concern, I understand that the 2008 Planning Act requires the undertaking of public consultation with people living in the vicinity of proposed works in advance of any Development Co... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i RWE npower
Consent from the LPA is required under these regulations for the removal of hedgerows unless the work falls within an exempt category. Normally, our work falls under the exemption 6(e) 'Permitted ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Carmarthenshire Council
Who enforces requirements? Who discharges requirements? When will the IPC be merged with PINs?
Gweld cyfarfod gyda National Grid
From National Grid (NG) perspective: establishing feedback on NG’s consultation processes; and ongoing engagement between NG and IPC. From IPC’s perspective: setting out the processes and rules associ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Chamber of Shipping
It has come to our attention that we have been missed from your Statutory and Non statutory list for projects that have been submitted for Offshore renewable development. We would be grateful if this ... Darllen mwy