
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 100 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Akshay Patel

    The Swanscombe Peninsula is an area of great importance to wildlife. I believe the development will cause significant, permanent damage to nationally and internationally important wildlife and... Read more

  • Alan McVitty

    Swanscombe Marshes are a unique site for wildlife. They are home to a huge number of birds and animals, including invertebrates. This site has already been deemed a Site of Special Scientific... Read more

  • Alex Pringle

    Swanscombe marshes are only half an hour away from where I live and is a rare natural area fronting the river and it is really important to keep these 'wild and different' areas which provide a chance... Read more

  • Alison Bunn

    We are in the middle of a biodiversity crisis, with wildlife populations declining at alarming rates, as described in the recent IPBES report (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity... Read more

  • Alison Reboul

    Swanscombe Marshes are a nationally important site for a variety of wildlife, particularly plants, invertebrates and birds. The natural world is continually being eroded and we need the marshes in... Read more

  • Allison Macpherson

    Swanscombe Peninsula. I am distressed that any consideration should be given to the development of this unique location which offers coastal, grassland, scrub and wetland environments for an... Read more

  • Andrew Blewett

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment. The Swanscombe Marshes site is extremely valuable both or people and nature. I am very concerned that it should be conserved for its nature value which is... Read more

  • Andrew Mcpherson

    We can no longer allow unnecessary developments like this to be given priority over the environment. Planned development must be for the benefit of all given our uncertain future. It is no longer... Read more

  • Angela Starey

    I am horrified by the plans to build a theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. The peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife - it is one of the country's best wildlife sites, as evidenced by... Read more

  • Anna Crowe

    In normal times I visit London often as I have two sets of grandchildren there, one family living in Hackney. I am concerned to ensure this SSSI remains so, since it supports a wide range of flora and... Read more

  • Annabel Stockman

    I wish to defend the Swanscombe Marshes against social vandalism and I totally oject to the proposal. Nature, and the preservation, conservation and protection of it is even more crucial and essential... Read more

  • Anne McGregor

    With the frighteningly rapid decline of wildlife in the UK, surely it makes sense not to destroy still more valuable habitat, which currently provides a home for so many different, and specialised,... Read more

  • Annie Fletcher

    I urge you not to grant permission for a theme park to be built on a site if special scientific interest as is it degrades and devalues the designation and is totally unnecessary and none essential.... Read more

  • Arnold Woolley

    I am not a local to the area. However, I am a keen environmentalist who knows the area. From that I would respectfully point out that it is of such value in the scheme of natural areas within our... Read more

  • Baljit Dhillon

    I look forward to seeing how this development will bring welcomed jobs to the area. It will inspire young people and adults to dream again. It will give them the ability to thrive in employment and be... Read more

  • Becky Wood

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest- surely there is no better reason to keep this area safe from development than to protect our beleaguered... Read more

  • Ben Scott-Robinson

    The registration of Swanscombe Marshes site as an SSSI must be viewed as a deciding factor in the giving of planning permission on this land. The development of the London Resort theme park cannot... Read more

  • Beryll Withers

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife- and it is important to continue to protect this land because the wildlife depends on it. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal... Read more

  • Brenda Chapman

    I am writing to voice my concern regarding the potential loss of Swanscombe Marshes, a place that brings enrichment and joy to so many people, and a perfect habitat for hundreds of species of flora... Read more

  • Bumblebee Conservation Trust (Bumblebee Conservation Trust)

    Swanscombe supports a nationally important Open mosaic habitat on previously developed land, coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex... Read more

  • C J Reen

    I believe that habitat destruction and the consequent decline of wildlife should , when possible , be resisted rather than encouraged , that biodiversity should be assisted rather than reduced further... Read more

  • Candace J Piette

    I visited Swanscombe from South East London to do some bird-watching. With so few places left where families can visit and see around them wildlife in its natural habitat, Swanscombe plays an... Read more

  • Carole Bowden

    I object to the application for a theme park Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife- tell them how important it is for the wildlife depends on it. Swanscombe is a unique open... Read more

  • Cassandra Clarke

    I first became aware of Swanscombe Peninsula when looking for wild, natural places to visit near my home in South London. As a Londoner, I love going to places where I can see wildlife and nature... Read more

  • Cathy Preece

    I am writing to express my horror at the threat to this invaluable site I write personally but I am a member of various organisations such as the River Thames Society, and active with other groups... Read more

  • Charlotte Norman

    I would argue that there is no need for more theme parks in this country but there is a desperate need to preserve wildlife habitats for the good of native species and also for the preservation of... Read more

  • Chris Bowman

    I live locally to the peninsula and often walk around there exploring the area and often see many types of wild life. It supports over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern, including the... Read more

  • Chris Bulow

    Please don't take away or damage this highly important wildlife site. There are other places where an adventure park could be sited that wouldn't have the same hugely detrimental effect that this will... Read more

  • Chris Frost

    I am objecting to this planning application because being a member of the Kent Wildlife Trust I know how important and sensitive this area is ,as well as supporting a critically endangered Jumping... Read more

  • Chris Green

    Please protect Swanscombe Marshes from development. It supports a wide range of endangered plants and animals. Many species have declined by, on average, approximatelt 45% in the UK. Many are... Read more

  • Chris Mcgarry

    This area has been recommended by Natural England as an area of specific scientific interest.It has much bio diversity and many rare species of invertebrates and plans including a spider that is only... Read more

  • Christine Downes

    I object to this application on several grounds, firstly we must protect the wildlife, secondly the south east of England is fast becoming concreted over and thirdly which follows on from that, the... Read more

  • Christine Shephard

    I wish to object to this planning application,this is a very important site for a diverse range of wild life and should be protected. In today’s climate it would be a real disaster if this was... Read more

  • Christopher Briggs

    Swanscombe Marshes is a very important site for conserving and maintaining biodiversity . It deserves to be maintained against other frivolous desires for theme parks. This is the equivalent of a... Read more

  • Claire Barlow

    This area is of vital importance to not only serves local Communities , but also the wider communities , who have all lost vital and significant places already, which were of special interest already... Read more

  • D Saunders

    I would like to make it known that I object to the use of green land for a new, or any development. The proposed new facilities, are not needed and would take away more green land (regardless of... Read more

  • David Craib

    We have lost so many green fields and agriculture lands and wild flower meadows we most stop before leave a dedicated planet to future generations

  • David John Pritchard

    Globally there is an environmental emergency. The UK is one of the most nature deprived countries. Building on what little remains is NOT the way forward. Please, please watch David Attenborough. Dave... Read more

  • David Linnell

    I am emailing you express my concern over the proposal to build the London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula, which supports an outstanding range of wildlife; indeed Natural England have... Read more

  • Denise Long

    I am extremely concerned that this important wildlife site is under threat from a fun park Natural England considers it to be a sufficiently rich ecosystem, to grant it Site of Special Scientific... Read more

  • Derek West

    I wish to object to the proposed Swanscombe Marshes development plans, at a time of unprecedented loss of bio-diversity, to consider damaging this unique and special area for the construction of a... Read more

  • Diana Ruthven

    I am very concerned about the proposed development of the Swanscombe Peninsula into a theme park. This development will jeopardise this very special area of land which supports a huge range of... Read more

  • Dr Andrew Coates

    Extensive building developments should not be permitted on important wildlife sites, especially SSRIs. We have a biodiversity crisis, and new buildings should be on brownfield sites only.

  • Dr Chris Gibson

    Before early retirement, I worked for more than 30 years in statutory nature conservation, much of that time protecting such sites on the north bank of the Thames. I have never seen such a biodiverse... Read more

  • Dr Hazel Jackson

    As a country that wants to demonstrate leadership in tackling the nature and climate crises, the demolition of a significantly important (and soon to be designated SSSI by Natural England) mosaic of... Read more

  • Dr Michael Fulton

    Natural England has recognised the area as a nationally-important wildlife haven by designating it as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), please do not let it now be damaged or destroyed by... Read more

  • Dr Michele Becker

    In this time of vast biodiversity loss it is highly important that places like Swanscombe Marshes are protected from any form of development. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats,... Read more

  • E A Oldham

    I am objecting to the theme park plan because Swanscombe Marshes is home to red listed (ie endangered) birds and many other important species. It has just been declared an SSSI. The UK is losing green... Read more

  • E M Bissmire

    This is an important site for nature conservation and the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the ecological integrity of the site by virtue of disturbance, noise, pollution and... Read more

  • Eileen E Bartlett

    This area should be declared a site of Special Scientific Interest. It is home to rare species of flora and fauna which should be protected. It is home to many varieties of birds which are on the red... Read more