
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 226 to 250 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Anne-Marie Hewitt

    I object to this application. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex history. Natural England have... Read more

  • Anthony John Paul Paterson

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife - it is vital for the wildlife that depends on it. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands... Read more

  • Anthony Robbins

    We live locally and we utterly object to this project of yours! Nobody needs another theme park! The Swanscombe Peninsula is simply the wrong place for a theme park- we must value our precious... Read more

  • Asia Kane

    I believe that the Swanscombe Peninsula should not be built on due to the site's value to wildlife. It is an important green space for the local residents and I appreciate its beauty and the bird life... Read more

  • Bernard Webb

    Sir, I am registering my disgust at this project, which is a further nail in the coffin of the complete lack of protection of the wildlife of this country and the world. From lowly Parish councils to... Read more

  • Bethany Burrage

    Dear reader, I am making this submission to register as an interested party in this development and to express my opposition to what will be an ultimately disastrous project for the wildlife of... Read more

  • Brian Webster

    I know this site and have long recognised its value for our nation's dwindling stock of wildlife. It holds a much larger complement of species that are already rare nationally and in some cases... Read more

  • Carol Brockhurst

    I am so concerned to hear that Swanscombe Peninsula has been confirmed as a suitable site for a new theme park in London. The Peninsula supports an amazing range of wildlife as it contains a range of... Read more

  • Christine West

    In the light of climate change we just cannot lose any more wildlife habitats. Please protect these wild areas and save their diverse ecology for future generations to enjoy.

  • Colin Gillespie

    It is increasingly accepted that this country is gradually losing many areas/sites of wildlife habitat. This is due to many factors - among which are the assumed need for increased movement of... Read more

  • Darren Lawrence

    I think that building a theme park on Swanscombe marshes, on a site used to encourage and help Wildlife thrive is a terrible idea. Wildlife is struggling and needs help, to survive and building on it... Read more

  • David Bagott

    Swanscombe is an area of mixed habitat including grasslands, marsh and rough ground that supports a range of wildlife from plants and insects to birds and mammals. Some of these are rare and many... Read more

  • David Choat

    I am horrified to learn that there is a proposal to place a horrific development on an SSSI at Swanscombe Marshes. One thing that this pandemic has taught us is that people desperately need open... Read more

  • David M Davison

    I object to the the subject planning application for the reasons detailed below. 1) Swanscombe Peninsula is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands which have... Read more

  • Elle Arscott

    I would like to register my disapproval for the proposed Swanscombe Marshes development. I grew up in the area and know the marshes well. They may look ugly to outsiders but they are just as worthy of... Read more

  • Emma Tilbury

    I believe this planning application should be Rejected on the reason being, the Natural England has declaring that it should be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), confirming it as... Read more

  • Ernie Scales

    Whilst I can see why there might be a reason to have holidays in the UK rather than visit Disney parks inAmerica or Europe consideration must always include location. Just because somewhere looks... Read more

  • G R Parkhouse

    Over 50 years we have visited this area of Cornwall and cannot believe that anyone would want to build and impact the wet-land marshes and wildlife of Swanscombe Marshes in a very devastating manner.... Read more

  • Gary White

    Swanscombe is home to a huge variety of invertebrates and birds. It is now an SSSI. It is a unique patchwork of habitats which supports 250 invertebrate species of concern and the critically... Read more

  • Gordon Shaw

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife. It is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex... Read more

  • Greer Hart

    I object to the proposed theme park to built on Swanscombe Marshes, which is recognised as a Site of Scientific Interest. It is now recognised that every country on Earth has to protect its... Read more

  • Heike Robbins

    Nobody needs another theme park! The Swanscombe Peninsula is simply the wrong place for a theme park- we must value our precious wildlife more than we do a theme park. Money and greed shouldn't go... Read more

  • Ian Bullock

    I am a biologist who lives in a National Park already compromised by recreational developments. Why is it that developers think that our last, beleaguered wild places are fair game for making money?... Read more

  • Jacqueline Brett

    This is a vital wildlife haven, which is unique - a home to many wildlife species which will probably become extinct if human developments such as this are allowed. It supports over 250 invertebrate... Read more

  • Jane Mayes

    In these harsh times when we are more than aware that our wildlife everywhere is struggling, this proposal in unacceptable. This site is of significant importance for wildlife and as a suggested SSSI... Read more