
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 225 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • S Gray

    The proposed London Resort is going to be on land that is full of nature and people enjoy walking there. It is also going to be near blue water and the dartford tunnel, when there is a tunnel closed... Read more

  • Sally Johns Green

    I am deeply concerned by the proposal to develop a theme park on the bio diverse Swanscombe Marshes. I believe that we must begin to prioritise our natural world over commercial development. The... Read more

  • Sarah Barratt

    The Swanscombe peninsula has been designed as a Site of Special Scientific Interest by Natural England, due to its unique formation comprising coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands. I am... Read more

  • Shirley Swan

    The Swanscombe Peninsula is absolutely the wrong place for a theme park- we must value our precious wildlife more than we do a theme park. Swanscombe Peninsula is very important and a very large... Read more

  • Simon Jennings

    1. I am concerned that regard to "Buglife and English Nature’s ‘Planning for invertebrate biodiversity’30, which provides specific guidance on the conservation of invertebrates and invertebrate... Read more

  • Sophie Marple

    We are currently in a mass extinction and insects are at the forefront of this event. It is well publicised - and I'm sure the planners and those who seek to build on this site that warrants SSSI... Read more

  • St. Barnabas Cluster Global Healing Group (St. Barnabas Cluster Global Healing Group)

    Swanscombe Peninsula should receive SSSI status according to Natural England, so how come you are even considering destroying it for a theme park? You have a responsibility to protect our precious... Read more

  • Stanley J Crees

    There is no doubt in my mind that this site must be preserved for nature - insects, birds, plant life and much more. So much of our landscape is being subsumed for purposes other than nature and the... Read more

  • Stephanie Carn

    I very much object to the possible use of Swanscombe Marshes for an entertainment facility. It has just been recommended to be an SSSI, showing the value of the unique range of habitats. Sites like... Read more

  • Stephen Brereton

    The area around Swanscombe has seen a huge disappearance of natural habitats in the last 30 years. Eurostar, the huge ebbsfleet housing development, the growth of traffic on the expanded A2 (which has... Read more

  • Steve Paynter

    Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe... Read more

  • Steve Smith

    I wish to protect at the proposed destruction of a SSSI site at Swanscombe. To get SSSI status there are noteworthy and nationally important species which occur at the site and habitats which are... Read more

  • Susan Clarke

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest- we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost, now more than ever with the dramatic... Read more

  • Susan Hunt

    We cannot afford to lose any more wildlife areas in this country and for it to become a "Resort" is unthinkable. Please do not allow this area to be lost forever. It is nationally important, as are... Read more

  • Susan Maxwell

    I object to any planning application on this land which does not concur with the wishes of Natural England to conserve it as a site of Special Scientific Interest for future generations. If our great... Read more

  • Susan Sullivan

    I object to the development proposed for Swanscombe Marshes by London Resort Compnay Holdings, as any site that would qualify as a SSSI should be protected as part of our natural heritage and not be... Read more

  • Susie Sell

    Hello. I am writing to ask for this lunacy of building on sites if nature and wildlife to stop. We need and future generations of humans need nature and its inhabitants. The destruction of this area... Read more

  • Swanscombe & Grenhithe Local History Group (Swanscombe & Grenhithe Local History Group)

    Swanscombe or Broadness peninsula is landscape of international historical importance. The inventions and developments of cement and paper on this piece of ground are of everyday importance even in... Read more

  • T Anderson

    I believe the Swanscombe Peninsula should be saved from development and protected as it supports an outstanding range of wildlife. Once destroyed the habitat and species are irreplaceable. Swanscombe... Read more

  • Tina Jeffery Heath

    As a nation, we must lead the way and show the world that we can stop species decline and still celebrate our lives as human beings. Kent is losing much of it's high quality farmland to housing... Read more

  • Vanessa Clarke

    The site chosen is unsuitable for a theme park as it is one of the few remaining areas with a rich variety of wildlife, including birds, mammals and insects and flowers and grasses, many of them... Read more

  • Alf Carrington 1

    Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe... Read more

  • Amanda Harris

    I am extremely concerned about the possible project on Swanscombe Marshes. Our wildlife is in serious decline and Swanscombe is recognised as a nationally important haven for that wildlife;... Read more

  • Andrew Bugden

    I do not believe that this site is an appropriate area for development. As a Kent resident I believe that this area should be protected for future generations. The site has become an important area... Read more

  • Andrew Jackson

    I wish to register my objection to the proposed development of the London Resort Theme Park on Swanscombe Marshes. This is an area of extreme importance to wildlife and has been recently designated by... Read more