
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 251 to 275 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • John P Booth

    In the UN Decade on Ecosystem restoration it seems inconcievable that such an important wildlife site should be destroyed to make way for a theme park. With such varied habitat and nationally... Read more

  • Jonathan Wallace

    I am deeply concerned by the proposal to build a theme park on Swanscombe Marshes. My objection is based upon the fact that the development could destroy precious habitat that supports an abundance of... Read more

  • Joshua Greatorex-Davies

    I strongly oppose the proposed development on Swanscombe Marshes due to the importance of the area for wildlife. This is a unique area comprised of multiple habitats and this makes the area so rich in... Read more

  • Josie Newman

    I'm concerned about the impact of this potential development on a sensitive wildlife site. The regional, national and international picture for wildlife populations is pretty bleak so this is a... Read more

  • Karen Smith

    I wish to register my dismay at the decision to consider building a theme park on Swanscombe Marshes . While I understand the need for development to generate income I feel very strongly that this is... Read more

  • Kathy Gilks

    Dear Sirs I would like to appeal to you to retain swanscombe marshes and to save this incredibly rich natural area for the benefit of the residents, the natural world and the future of our planet.... Read more

  • Keith Dancey

    This site is of national scientific importance for flora, avifauna, insecta and fauna. It must not be degraded during a time of unparalleled biodiversity and bioabundance crisis. There are few sites... Read more

  • Lesley Sorrell

    I am shocked that such an important ecological site is under threat. Natural England believe the site to be important enough to recommend it is given SSI status. What is more important to the health... Read more

  • Linda White

    This is a very unique piece of land, that has some very precious flora and fauna in it, on it and around it. It would be a so wrong to dig it up, flatten it off and all for an amusement park! Again... Read more

  • Liz Carlton

    I object strongly to the idea that a theme park is going to be built on an area which should be designated an area of special scientific interest, as recommended by Natural England. The UK is in the... Read more

  • Luke Klein

    This project should definitely not go ahead. It is a site of special scientific interest. It supports an inordinate amount of species. How is this development even being seriously considered? The... Read more

  • Lusie Ambler

    Please would you consider the proposal for a London Resort theme park at Swanscombe Peninsular in the light of its value to important wildlife. As I’m sure you are aware, numbers of invertebrates,... Read more

  • Margaret Moss

    The Global Ecological Crisis - the huge reductions in numbers of species, and increasing numbers of extinctions, has as many implications for human existence as the related issue of Climate Change. In... Read more

  • Margaret Nelmes

    As a nature conservationist, working for several voluntary wildlife organisations, I OBJECT to this planning application to build the London Resort on the Swanscombe peninsula for the following... Read more

  • Marion Andrew

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It supports over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern and many important species of birds... Read more

  • Marlies MacLean

    Mankind depends on healthy, rich biodiversity for our very existence - clean air, clean water, fresh food, physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. This has been proven fairly dramatically during... Read more

  • Mrs Alison Lawrie

    I am very concerned to learn that this important area for wild life is being threatened by the proposed building of the London Resort Theme Park. As a member of the RSPB and the Kent Wildlife Trust, I... Read more

  • Mrs Carol Crane

    I need to speak out and fight for all the creatures,birds,mammals ect that live in these Marshes.I have visited them on several occasions.What a beautiful place.It lifted my heart,to see such a... Read more

  • Mrs Christine E Ridley

    I am very worried that an application to build on such an important site has been submitted. Surely with the latest news of vast numbers of creatures becoming extinct it is time to put nature first.... Read more

  • Neil Fawcett

    Firstly, this is the first time that I have written such a representation. However, my feelings of economy first above all else is becoming so strong after I see all the ongoing environmental... Read more

  • Paola Catapano

    we must protect our most important wildlife sites from being lost! Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife: Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands,... Read more

  • Paul Stanley Hobbs

    I am writing to object against the planned building of the London Resort theme park on Swanscombe Marshes. Swanscombe Marshes is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grassland, scrub and wetlands... Read more

  • Peter Riley

    This site is of national importance for wildlife hence the Natural England proposal to declare it a SSSI. There are many good reasons for this including the over 250 invertebrate species of... Read more

  • Polly Meyrick

    Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe... Read more

  • Rachel Warner

    I am appalled that one of the few remaining UK wildlife rich pieces of land is at risk of being concreted over for human pleasure. Is there no legal protection when a place is designated as a Site of... Read more