Navitus Bay Wind Park

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 51 to 75 of 187 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Ian Mihell

    Correspondence relating to the application.

  • View advice to Susan Massey

    Query relating to the next stages of the process following the close of the relevant representations period

  • View advice to A Christchurch Resident

    Query relating to the next stages of the process following the close of the relevant representations period, specifically querying at what stage Local Impact Reports and Written Representations will... Read more

  • View advice to Joint Councils

    Query from West Dorset District Council and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council requesting amendments of relevant representations

  • View advice to Elizabeth Wood

    Queries regarding the examination process

  • View advice to Margaret Manning

    Query regarding submitting comments

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    On ploughing through the Application it seems there may be information on which a Written Rep. should be made notwithstanding that the topic was not specifically identified and therefore mentioned at... Read more

  • View advice to Colin Merritt

    Please see attached TO correspondance letter

  • View advice to Challenge Navitus

    Unfortunately, I cannot find annexes A, B or C referenced in the ES Cat 6 Vol B Appendices [ 16.1.pdf] which is the navigation risk assessment. I presume these annexes should... Read more

  • View advice to Navitus Bay Development Ltd

    We understand that three Annexes to the technical appendix of Chapter 16 (Shipping and Navigation), Volume B of the Environmental Statement were erroneously omitted from Navitus Bay's electronic... Read more

  • View advice to Mark Watts

    Questions regarding the process for making represenations and queries regarding taking part in the examination process

  • View advice to Bournemouth Borough Council

    Query regarding the potential date for and preliminary meeting and other queries regarding submission of Local Impact reports and written represenations.

  • View advice to Alison Hunt

    Correspondence relating to the application.

  • View advice to David Gerry

    Query regarding the application.

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Enquiry about Best Available Technology Not Entailing Excessive Cost (BATNEEC). "I should be grateful to know where this method or its equivalent for National Infrastructure is covered in the... Read more

  • View advice to David Gerry

    Query regarding the application.

  • View advice to David Gerry

    Query regarding submitting comments.

  • View advice to Christopher Monckton

    Query regarding on what grounds it is possible to object to an application, specifically the following points: 1. Is it legitimate, as a ground of objection, to challenge the development's... Read more

  • View advice to Christopher Monckton

    Query regarding content of representation

  • View advice to New Forest NP Authority

    The National Park Authority is a statutory consultee on the application. As a statutory consultee, is the Authority still required to formally ?register? as an interested party to take part in the... Read more

  • View advice to Gay Napier

    Phone call enquiring about the process involved for the application of the Navitus Bay Wind Park

  • View advice to Richard Erlebach

    Mr Erlebach has already registered as an Interested Party by making a representation on-line, but would like to know when he can submit more information?

  • View advice to Mary Sparks

    Ms Sparks queried what it means to register her interest and also queried what type of information the form should contain. As she is a Clerk to a Parish Council, she also wanted to know how to submit... Read more

  • View advice to Jilly Duff

    Query regarding last day of submission of paper form and query regarding photocopying of forms

  • View advice to Poole & Christchurch Bays Assoc

    Query in regards to the decision to accept the Navitus Bay Wind Park application for examination