Navitus Bay Wind Park

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 126 to 150 of 187 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Mr. and Mrs. Holloway

    Mr and Mrs Holloway wrote to David Cameron the Prime Minister at his Whitney Constituency office with an accompanying e-mail to Christopher Chope MP regarding the proposed application for the Navitus... Read more

  • View advice to Patricia Charman

    Ms. Charman wrote to the Rt. Hon. Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, regarding the proposed application for the Navitus Bay Wind Park. The Planning Inspectorate... Read more

  • View advice to Bill Hoodless

    Is it acceptable for objectors to a wind farm to refer to their negative view of policy matters within their objections please? If not, would the Inspector strike out the entire objection as tainted... Read more

  • View advice to Poole & Christchurch Bays' Ass.

    Mr. Hoodless wrote on behalf of the Poole & Christchurch Bays' Association to the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) regarding the proposed application for the Navitus Bay Wind... Read more

  • View advice to Ann & Nigel Griffiths

    The Planning Inspectorate received an email comprising comments objecting of the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park

  • View advice to Nigel Griffiths

    The Planning Inspectorate received an email comprising comments objecting the proposed Navitus Bay Wind Park.

  • View advice to Annetta Chennell

    The interested party made a phone request for information regarding how to make her views known regarding the proposed scheme.

  • View advice to Chris Goldthorpe

    I write to express my concerns about this proposed wind farm. My first concern is that this wind farm will destroy the landscape and one for the best view in England not just for now but forever.... Read more

  • View advice to Mr and Mrs A. Rogers

    An enquiry via post voicing concerns regarding the proposed scheme.

  • View advice to Ian White

    Whilst I have read the information on your website I am not totally clear on when, as an interested member of the public, I should register to express my objection to this proposed development. If I... Read more

  • View advice to Anita Chennell

    Dear Sir/Madam I want to know if your organisation has granted them planning permission yet to erect their proposed meteorological mast in Poole Bay. As Navitus Bay have in the past promised to... Read more

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    Poole and Christchurch Bays' Association have serious concerns that the imaging used by Navitus Bay Development Ltd currently fails to provide valid pictoral descriptions and fails to pick up adequate... Read more

  • View advice to Mark Harris

    To our Councillors. I live in Tuckton and am now aware of the wind farm in ?Navitas bay? which will be right on our door step. I absolutely support 90% of the renewable strategies being laid... Read more

  • View advice to Roy Pointer

    Dangers to health from Wind Turbine Noise ? need for new Regulations The attention of the Poole and Christchurch Bays? Association (PCBA) has been drawn to potentially serious health dangers due to... Read more

  • View advice to Steve Davies

    The query in the correspondence relates to Local Impact Reports (LIR) and in particular: ~ the role, if any, of a LIR in representing the views of the wider community; ~ in setting out whether... Read more

  • View advice to and Mrs Seedall

    Dear Sir, We write to you as we understand you are consultees in the planning process for Navitus Bay Wind farm We would like to lodge our strong objection to the planned giant wind turbine farm... Read more

  • View meeting with Navitus Bay Development Limited

    Project Up-date between Navitus Bay Development Limited and the Planning inspectorate

  • View advice to Bryan Smith

    1) Is the applicant required to publish the results of consultation before submitting an application? 2) Is the applicant required to release data for the EIA before submitting an application?

  • View advice to John Whiffen

    Please see attachment

  • View advice to Alok Sharma

    Letter dated 3rd April from Mr. Alok Sharma MP to Ed Davey MP dated 03 April 2013 received by email by the Planning Inspectorate on 12 April 2013. Mr. Sharma's letter raised concerns on behalf of a... Read more

  • View advice to Margaret Perrins

    "I am writing to you regarding the siting of the Navitus Bay Wind Farm just 8 miles off the beautiful Purbeck coastline. The siting of this, world's largest, wind farm within sight of a large... Read more

  • View advice to M Perrins

    Mrs. Perrins addressed correspondence to Mr. David Cameron, MP. The correspondence was passed on to the Planning Inspectorate to deal with. Mrs. Perrins concerns related to the proposed Navitus Bay... Read more

  • View advice to A.I. Stonehouse

    A.I. Stonehouse raised concerns regarding the proposed Navitus Bay off-shore wind farm. In summary, the main concerns raised were: 1. In Holland no wind turbines have been erected less than 25 miles... Read more

  • View advice to Arthur and Shirley Rogers

    Mr. and Mrs A and R Rogers raised a number of objections in their correspondence. The following is a summary of the main concerns raised: 1. The proposed turbines will (i) stand 200 metres tall at... Read more

  • View advice to Ruth Neary

    Mrs. Ruth Neary raised a number of objections to the proposed Navitus Park wind park. A summary of the main concerns raised are as follows: 1. The cost of the windpark will be £3 billion+ and will... Read more