North Killingholme Power Project

Section 51 advice

The list below includes a record of advice we have provided for this project.

There is a statutory duty, under section 51 of the Planning Act 2008, around an application or potential application. This includes recording the name of the person who requested advice and the advice given. This information has to be made publicly available.

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Showing 1 to 14 of 14 documents, newest first.

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  • View advice to Patricia Hawthorn

    Please see Smart Wind?s additional submission published on the North Killingholme project page 11 March 2014.

  • View advice to Emma Harding-Phillips

    C.GEN has received a copy of Anglian Water's letter of 18 February 2014 withdrawing its representations so far as they relate to s.127. As a result of that letter, PINS has written to C.GEN asking it... Read more

  • View advice to Jackie Baxter

    Enquiry from the North East Lincolnshire Council regarding its Interested Party status for North Killingholme Power Project.

  • View advice to Jackie Markham

    Enquiry from Statutory Party regarding confusion over Rule 8 letter.

  • View advice to DLA Piper

    On the 28 August 2013 the applicant submitted by email and hard copy a letter together with the following attachments: 1) Update submission; 2) Withdrawal of land from the Order limits... Read more

  • View advice to C.GEN Killingholme Ltd

    Section 51 advice given following the decision to accept the application to proceed to examination on the 19 April 2013.

  • View advice to Howard Bassford

    The applicant enquired as to the appropriate procedure should the applicant wish to reduce the size of the red line boundary post acceptance.

  • View meeting with C. GEN

    Project Update and Discussion on Draft Documents

  • View advice to Benjamin Dove-Seymour

    The two following queries were asked regarding the prospective application for development consent for a generating station: Is it acceptable to refer to the information requested in boxes 16 and... Read more

  • View advice to Benjamin Dove-Seymour

    Contents and format of a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)

  • View meeting with C.Gen

    Meeting between IPC, C.Gen and North Lincolnshire Council

  • View advice to DLA Piper UK LLP

    Can an application for a development consent order (DCO) seek powers of compulsory acquisition over land required for a gas connection to the existing national transmission system without seeking... Read more

  • View advice to Richard Wearmouth

    Query 1 - clarification on how the IPC would apply the requirement that all power plants sized greater than 300MWe must be carbon capture ready (CCR) from the outset and where a coal plant was being... Read more

  • View meeting with Richard Wearmouth

    Initial meeting with promoters to discuss project