
East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 351 to 375 of 878 representations, newest first.

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  • The Fryers (The Fryers)

    Dear Planning Inspectors We would like to make our objections known to Scottish Powers EAN1 and EA2 DCO application as follows: a. The Thorpeness Cliffs are too fragile to drill and run cables under... Read more

  • Wendy Margoram

    Dear Sirs, Please find my objections to EAN1 and EA2; The Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over 12 to 15 years Unsuitability and fragility of... Read more

  • William Matthew

    - I disagree with the project and its location and do not want it to go ahead. - This project in its entirety appears to be totally at odds with the fact that this is a designated AONB. The idea that... Read more

  • Aldeburgh Society (Aldeburgh Society)

    The Aldeburgh Society is a civic society devoted to protecting the urban environment in the historic coastal town of Aldeburgh. We are concerned about the many major infrastructure projects, and SPR... Read more

  • Anita Parkinson

    We are strongly opposed to the proposed development at Friston for the following reasons: 1. There will be an unacceptable cumulative impact on the area with the proposed energy developments at... Read more

  • Antonia Owen

    Dear Examining Authority RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for the following reasons: * The unsuitability and... Read more

  • Carolyn Ridgeon

    I am writing as I have before because we have lived in Friston for 32 years and this proposed development is causing tremendous anxiety. This is a beautiful rural area and historically an arable... Read more

  • Charles Read

    I wish to object to the Scottish Power Renewables planning application for East Anglia One North on the following grounds: Cumulative Impacts The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact... Read more

  • Charles Scott

    I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on local communities of un-interrelated energy projects occurring consecutively... Read more

  • Clare Palmier

    1.The Suffolk coast is an essential cultural, natural and heritage asset for the area and integral to its local economy and community. 2. Much of the coastline is AONB and should be protected as such.... Read more

  • Deborah Collis

    Severe detrimental Impact of onshore facilities especially transport infrastructure upon the local environment.

  • Derek Turner

    We are strongly opposed to the proposed development at Friston for the following reasons: 1. There will be an unacceptable cumulative impact on the area with the proposed energy developments at... Read more

  • East Suffolk Council (East Suffolk Council)

    Please be advised that East Suffolk Council intends to provide a separate written submission via e-mail to the Planning Inspectorate by the deadline of 27 January 2020.

  • Edward Twort

    Two trenches the width of the M25 EACH are about to be dug out by Scottish Power from Thorpeness to Friston causing chaos on the roads, to our business and destroying the cliffs at Thorpeness. It's... Read more

  • Frances Cahill

    *The proposed development would irreversibly damage the environment in an area designated as a heritage coast and of outstanding natural beauty. This harm would be: 1.visual - namely to the look of... Read more

  • Graham Tattersall

    Construction of a the EA1 windfarm substation in the village of Friston will have the following specific consequences: * Destruction of a rural landscape that is valued by residents of Friston and... Read more

  • Ian Wiles

    This is absurb - have yu looked t the damage to PEOPLE,communties. wildlife? It is an impact on us as human beings livng in a rural community -lossof footpaths, damage to air quality, noise pollution,... Read more

  • Joanna Willett

    Concerned about the damage to be done to a historical and beautiful area. Do not believe it makes economic sense. It will blight tourism and deter inward investment.

  • Josephine Beedell

    I am a resident of Friston and wish to make the following points. The planned substation/s are far too close to the village, closer than any previous substation built in the uk and will cause major... Read more

  • Knodishall Parish Council (Knodishall Parish Council)

    Dear Examining Authority EAST ANGLIA ONE NORTH I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons, * The local road into Knodishall form Black Heath... Read more

  • Mary Potsig

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk coast and a keen supporter of renewable energy, but the plans for this wind farm seem to negate any environmental benefits through the destruction of the AONB and... Read more

  • Megan Thompson

    I am disturbed that the government would condone such actions to a local area. I have business in Aldeburgh High Street, and I believe this will be devastating to the local economy and countryside.... Read more

  • Michael Pooles

    I OBJECT TO THIS APPLICATIONFOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1.It will have excessive impact upon local communities which have already suffered excessive impact from energy projects. 2.It is an area of... Read more

  • Mr Hunter Smith

    The proposed development will have irreversible and negative economic and environmental effects in The Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The surrounding area,... Read more

  • Mr M J Allen

    I support the submission made by Aldeburgh Town Council and am concerned that this proposed development together with others in the pipeline would completely transform this beautiful and fragile part... Read more