
East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 526 to 550 of 878 representations, newest first.

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  • Catherine Lester

    I am objecting to the plan to build huge electricity substations near the beautiful village of Friston. The substations are too big and too close to a small rural village, a lively community which... Read more

  • Charlotte Towler

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause... Read more

  • Chloe Agar

    I have grown up and live around the coastline between Thorpeness and Dulwich and it is the heartland of where I belong and the place I go to relax, walk, and enjoy the environment. My experiences... Read more

  • Christopher Knights

    Disruption of countryside laying cables which would be easier closer to coast. Extra Traffic in quiet villages House value depreciation

  • Christopher Stooke

    I have been a resident of the Aldeburgh area since 1994. I am most alarmed at the prospect of a large electricity facility near Friston which is a most attractive village in a beautiful coastal area.... Read more

  • Clare Skelcher

    I live in the Isle of Man. My children & I visit my family in Leiston around 8 times a year and I intend to retire in Suffolk. I object to the Scottish Power Renewables planning application for a... Read more

  • Colin Stevens

    Having viewed the website for this project it is truly disconcerting that there is no reflection or consideration, compassion or respect shown on the impact on the local areas, the precious... Read more

  • Digby Beatson

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause... Read more

  • Dorothy Baxter

    I agree with all objections put forward by East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council. My own personal objections are -: 1. Desecration of the countryside. This project will overwhelm a small... Read more

  • Edward Langley

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause... Read more

  • Gemma Walder

    I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council - As an interested party - please acknowledge my objection to this application. Two separate SPR projects applied for under... Read more

  • Geraldine Schofield

    The impact on the environment:the concreting over of wildlife habitats and the effects on the flows of water courses; the further intrusion of industrial development along the coastline, the chopping... Read more

  • Helen Sydney Graham

    Dear Examining Authority RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE As a permanent resident of Thorpeness, I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ?... Read more

  • Imogen Lenton

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with friends who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations which will cause... Read more

  • James Fulford

    I support the representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council - As an interested party - please acknowledge my objection to this application. Two separate SPR projects applied for under... Read more

  • Jane Clouston

    I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects occurring consecutively over... Read more

  • Jane Rossin

    Please consider my representations regarding the proposed East Anglia ONE North project. These focus particularly on those aspects that would affect my life and well-being during the lengthy... Read more

  • Jennifer Knights

    Traffic Destruction of the countryside Environmental Flooding Noise level

  • Julia Wheeler

    I support the PINS representations made by Friston Parish Council and SASES (Substation Action – Save East Suffolk) and reserve the right to be allowed to comment on all or any of the points they have... Read more

  • Juliet Orr

    1. The whole economy of the east Suffolk area is dependent on tourism. If the peace, the beauty and wildlife are destroyed by these huge substations, trenches and associated traffic, visitors will... Read more

  • Kirsty Dixon

    I am concerned over the decision to build a large, unsightly substation at and around the village of Friston. I have been a regular visitor to the area over the last nine year and the highlight of... Read more

  • Kirsty Logan

    I object to the planning application on the grounds that the cumulative environmental impact of so many separate energy projects in the region that don’t tie in together is disastrous for our wildlife... Read more

  • L Fagg

    This will destroy an area of outstanding natural beauty. It will hinder emergency service from reaching the largely elderly population of Aldeburgh, resulting in possible deaths. It is unsuitable in... Read more

  • M Haydon

    I am concerned about the incompatibility of the proposed substation & Friston village. It is out of scale with the village & do not electronic waves interfere with people & facilities adjacent to high... Read more

  • Malcolm Miller

    I object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application for these reasons: -cumulative impact on our local communities of up to seven energy projects occurring consecutively over 12-15 years.... Read more