
East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 425 of 833 representations, newest first.

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  • Martin Handscombe

    I support the representation being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council and believe the proposed site will cause irreparable damage to the character of Friston , Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB and... Read more

  • Mary Erwin

    I am writing to object to the Scottish Power proposals for these reasons: -the local environment will be negatively impacted due to trenches and cabling close to housing and also across sensitive... Read more

  • Mary Pledger

    Dear Sirs, I am totally In favour of the production of renewable energy but not where it will cause upset and misery to many people. We fell in love with this area having spent a number of years... Read more

  • Michela Parkin

    I'm interested in conserving and preserving the integrity and beauty of the Suffolk coastline for wildlife and future generations.

  • Berrys (Berrys) on behalf of Mrs Ann Dallas (Mrs Ann Dallas)

    Mrs Ann Dallas (“the objector) owns and occupies Peartree Farm IP17 1TN and is therefore one of the closest residents to the proposed substation. The objector supports and repeats the representations... Read more

  • Mrs Lesley Swann

    Dear Sir/Madam, Re: East Anglia Two (and East Anglia North One) I wish to object to this planning application for the following reasons: • The use of unspoilt countryside in Friston for a large... Read more

  • Norman Johnson

    I wish to object on the following grounds Cumulative Impact on the local environment. Despoiling unspoiled countryside Deleterious effect on tourism Increased traffic on inadequate roads Noise and... Read more

  • Penny Johnson

    I wish to object on the following grounds Cumulative Impact on the local environment. Despoiling unspoiled countryside Deleterious effect on tourism Increased traffic on inadequate roads Noise and... Read more

  • Peter Wallis

    Wind power is essential but it must develop in a way that respects the local ecology and environment. The proposed project does not seem to minimise this damage. There is no use of existing brownfield... Read more

  • Ramblers Association (Ramblers Association)

    This Representation is made on behalf of the Ramblers (The Ramblers Association, a company limited by guarantee, registration number 4458492, Registered Charity number 10935), Suffolk Area. We... Read more

  • Rijkswaterstaat (Rijkswaterstaat)

    We have a concern regarding the transboundary impacts in chapter 12.8 on offshore ornithology. In the commentary column it is stated that at the time of writing no specific information was found in... Read more

  • Roger Lemon

    While I support the expanding use of wind power to replace fossil fuels (and nuclear), the East Anglia Two project has a major problem: although it needs very significant infrastructure for labour and... Read more

  • Samuel Davies

    Suffolk is a county of rich and beautiful heritage, full of its niche and gorgeous market towns and villages and its shimmering shorelines, serving as a role model to the East Coast and areas alike. I... Read more

  • Sheena Grant

    1. The fragile Suffolk coast has already 'done its bit' for the nation's power needs and cannot take more industrial development of a scale outlined in these proposals. 2. The damage East Anglia One... Read more

  • St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan Board of Finance)

    This representation is made specifically in relation to registered Title Number SK276346 at Friston, there is no facility to upload a copy here but this can be provided if required. This land was sold... Read more

  • Tessa Wojtczak

    (Redacted) The construction site for the proposed Landfall at Thorpeness is the distance of an occupied livery paddock away on our left. According to the Book of Reference available to the public, it... Read more

  • The Crown Estate (The Crown Estate)

    The Crown Estate manages property and rights which are owned by Her Majesty in right of the Crown. This portfolio includes around half of the foreshore and almost the entire seabed out to 12 nautical... Read more

  • Thomas Sweet

    FAO Examining Authority, RE: East Anglia Two My objections which challenge the relevant SPR planning application are as follows: 1. There have been unreasonable, broad assumptions made by SPR and the... Read more

  • Trusted Renewables Ltd (Trusted Renewables Ltd)

    Trusted Renewables Ltd operates from a registered office in Friston. The company has a global reach and the tranquillity of this historic village contributes to the international reputation of the... Read more

  • William Halford

    RE: East Anglia TWO The headings below refer to National Policy Statements (NPS) for Overarching Energy (EN-1), NPS for Renewable Energy (EN-3) and NPS for Electricity Networks (EN-5). • I support the... Read more

  • Alan Collett

    I wish to object to this planning application by Scottish Power Renewables for the following reasons:- • The irreparable damage to the countryside, the coastline, the local environment and to wildlife... Read more

  • Alan Thomas

    Residing in Friston, I am generally supportive of the move toward renewable energy sources. However, the approach adopted by Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) in pursuit of what are wholly commercial... Read more

  • Angela Skelcher

    I am greatly concerned about the proposed building of substations and associated infrastructure in my local area of Thorpeness and Friston because this is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the... Read more

  • Anglian Energy Planning Alliance (Anglian Energy Planning Alliance)

    The Anglian Energy Planning Alliance objects to SPR’s proposals asset out in their DCO application on the following grounds. The AEPA works in support of many of the interested parties opposed to the... Read more

  • Anthony Lockwood

    - Suffolk's famous peace and tranquillity lost, noise pollution, air pollution. With the cancellation of the Stratford, Glenham bypass, how will the road infrastructure cope with the predicted... Read more