
East Anglia TWO Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 426 to 450 of 833 representations, newest first.

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  • Brian Charlton

    The proposal to direct heavy traffic along Saxmundham and Leiston Roads in Aldeburgh:- * will have a disproportionate effect on residential areas of that town rather than by a more direct route. It... Read more

  • Brodie Bibby

    Your Representation: I believe people are not aware of the all the key issues these proposed works will bring: The trenches to bring the cabling to Friston will be driven 8 miles across beautiful ANOB... Read more

  • Carole Heath

    Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 different energy projects Unsuitability of Thorpeness cliffs as site for landing cables Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation... Read more

  • Chris Askew

    My objection to this project are, Traffic on local roads. Air, light & noise pollution. Threat to wildlife and ANOB areas. Concertation of two many projects in one small area. Substations that will... Read more

  • Christopher Wilson

    I am very much in favour of offshore wind farms, subject to them being located in the least environmentally damaging sites ie away from avian and marine feeding/nesting grounds, but my concerns here... Read more

  • Colin Sibley

    Concern about long term effects to health, educational success of our children and economic damage to the local area. Agricultural land being lost to industrial construction, some of it permanent.... Read more

  • David Briggs

    - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects - Unsuitability of Thorpeness Cliffs as site for landing cables - Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation complexes... Read more

  • David Whiffen

    I am a regular visitor to the Suffolk Heritage coast staying with my girlfriend's family who live near Friston. I do not object to offshore wind farms what I object to is the onshore installations... Read more

  • Dr Rachel Herron

    We wish to object to the onshore works aspect of this Planning Application, specifically the proposed landfall at the holiday village of Thorpeness that has extremely fragile cliffs and the 11 km... Read more

  • Edward Magee

    i Fully support the representation of SASES and Friston Parish Council. This development will have a major impact on the peace and tranquillity of life in Suffolk. Many peo0le including myself have... Read more

  • Friston Parish Council (Friston Parish Council)

    INTRODUCTION The proposed developments (EA1N and EA2) will have a significant adverse impact on Friston and the surrounding area from the onshore elements of the schemes which involve the construction... Read more

  • Gabriel R O Lange

    Dear Examining Authority at the Planning Inspectorate, Re: East Anglia Two While supporting the principle of renewable energy, I am apalled at this Scottish Power Renewables planning application and... Read more

  • George Mabey

    - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects - Unsuitability of Thorpeness Cliffs as site for landing cables - Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation complexes... Read more

  • Georgina Fitzherbert

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA NORTH ONE (and EAST ANGLIA TWO) I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: ? Cumulative impact on... Read more

  • Graeme Murray

    I object to SPR’s proposals as expressed in their DCO application for the following reasons: As a resident of the village of Snape I can confirm that there has been no consultation by the applicant... Read more

  • GreenSnape (GreenSnape)

    GreenSnape is an environment and wildlife conservation group based in Snape, Suffolk. We object to the proposals, and agree with the representations made by Snape Parish Council, by Friston Parish... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    PINs Registration and Relevant Representation Form Section 56 Planning Act 2008 Date notified: 25 November 2019 Response deadline: 27 January 2020 Project: The Proposed East Anglia TWO Offshore... Read more

  • Jane McNeill

    We do not object to offshore wind farms. We object to the onshoring of such capacity which causes despoliation to the countryside. SPR will construct one of the largest substations in Europe in the... Read more

  • Janet Lansdale

    -- my major concern is the cumulative impact on the immediate area where I live, in Aldringham of up to 7 major projects developing over a considerable period of years. -- we live at the junction of... Read more

  • Janette Redshaw

    The planned developements will send too much heavy traffic through a busy tourist resort where the roads barely cope at the height of the holiday season,& the heavy lorries will add to congestion on... Read more

  • Jemima Tindle

    I am writing to you with regards Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) planning application EA2- PINS DCO application with regards the Friston Substation and register as an interested party. I wish to... Read more

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I fully support offshore wind farms as long as they are not sited in an area which is detrimental to wildlife. However I believe in order to keep public support it is imperative that the onshore... Read more

  • Joanna Jastrzembska

    - Cumulative impact on local communities of up to 7 energy projects - Unsuitability of Thorpeness Cliffs as site for landing cables - Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for substation complexes... Read more

  • John Davies

    Scottish Power Renewables I am registering this objection to the Scottish Power Renewables application to construct a large electrical substation on land near Friston and connect this to the National... Read more

  • John Dawson

    This project has been driven purely by cost and not enough thought has gone into the impact on the environment, wildlife and well being of the local residents and impact on the tourism and other... Read more