
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 200 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Andy Gillett

    As a resident of Isleham, I fully understand the size of the proposed energy farm. But I understand it because I’ve taken it on myself to research it. The information that has been provided by Sunnica... Read more

  • Bob Brotchie

    I contest and object to the proposal for such a large solar farm in and around our wonderful rural life and arable land with it's associated negative environmental and amenity impact - and the risk of... Read more

  • Hazel Barber

    Impact of works Local resident

  • Lance Stanbury

    I am the County Councillor for Mildenhall Division, which covers two parishes, (Freckenham and Worlington) which will be significantly affected by the proposed solar farm being located around these... Read more

  • Paul Simeon Ryan

    I oppose the scheme proposals for the following reasons (amongst others): Lack of proper assessment of environmental impact - there needs to be quantification of the current positive environmental... Read more

  • Amy Rayment

    Living very local to where the Sunnica Energy Farm is proposed to be, I am very concerned about the safety of myself and my family. There has been very limited information given avout the battery... Read more

  • Amy Thomas

    I frequently visit the area and am strongly opposed to this development, which would damage the local environment and present a number of significant ongoing risks to the local community. The number... Read more

  • Carole Thomas

    The number of concerns relating to this project are numerous and relate to but not limited to the following 1) Loss of arable farm land - we are a country increasingly isolated yet reliant on outside... Read more

  • Colin Bernard lister

    I have lived in this village for 64years born here in [Redacted] it is an agricultural village . Our roads are not big enough to accommodate heavy industrial machinery without severely disfiguring the... Read more

  • Esther McVee

    I am concerned about the scale of the project, and Sunnica Ltd have no experience of building such a large scale project. Whilst I support solar energy the immense scale of this project will create a... Read more

  • Lucinda Wright

    I am objecting to this application. This scheme is far far too big for its location - effecting too many village communities. The scheme wiggles around 7 villages effecting views, house prices and... Read more

  • Oliver Thomas

    The number of concerns relating to this project are numerous and relate to but not limited to the following 1) Loss of arable farm land - we are a country increasingly isolated yet reliant on outside... Read more

  • Stephen Wilson

    1. The consultation process for the local community has been inadequate. I do not believe I have received sufficient or full information about the project in order to understand properly all the... Read more

  • André Ciantar

    1.The designated land is prime farming land which we need to grow our own food. This is crucial now we have left the EU 2. It will include dangerous batteries the size of apartment blocks very close... Read more

  • Emma Ryan

    Agricultural land As you can imagine this significant development is of huge concern to us and the local community of Worlington and Freckenham. Change of use to this excellent agricultural land... Read more

  • Hayley Fisher

    Large amounts of produce are grown and matured on this land; Potatoes, carrots, onions, wheat, barley, rye, sugar beet, maize, livestock. Over the past years food costs are rising as quick if not... Read more

  • Jessica Ciantar

    I am objecting to the application of sunnica solar farm. - The first is the use of prime farmland that is currently used to grow crops and live stock. As population increases, particularly in this... Read more

  • Jim Wallace

    I would like to object to the Sunnica Energy Farm as it will destroy the surrounding countryside for several generations with little or no local benefit.

  • Joanna Frost

    We have amazingly beautiful countryside around us full of wildlife and farming that will be lost forever. The farmers markets and rural community is unique to this area, where else do you see pigs... Read more

  • John Bridges

    I lived in Kennet for 24 years, worshipped in Chippenham, and have moved temporarily to Saffron Walden for family reasons. I strongly object to this huge, unsightly, dangerous and misrepresented... Read more

  • Karen Robinson

    I am very concerned about the safety of the battery storage and the close proximity of the development to villages and schools. Other issues are the size and the amount of farm land that will be lost.... Read more

  • Lesley Wilson

    1. The consultation process for the local community has been not been adequate. I have not received sufficient or full information about the project in order to understand properly all the... Read more

  • Marie Beaumont

    The effect on wildlife and the noise crated by the batteries in a rural location close to the edge of villages. The plan for disposal at the end of its useful life not really a green option. Why can... Read more

  • Marie MacBean

    I am [Redacted] & the untried & potentially dangerous technology propose scares me. The size of over 2,000 football pitches will overwhelm the area doing untold damage eg, remove productive farm land... Read more

  • Natasha Jones

    * Countryside will be lost for over 2 generations * Li-ion batteries are a massive fire risk * Loss of prime agricultural land, which will decrease food supplies and further decrease our... Read more

  • Nicholas Bennett

    I object to this project as it will render good farmland out of use for at least a couple of generations and, even after that, some areas may become only suited to commercial use representing a... Read more

  • Peter Gidlow

    I cannot begin to explain why I vehemently object to this entire project, however I will try: 1.The entire area proposed is one of natural beauty that people either come to specifically to see and be... Read more

  • Peter Thorne

    I am vehemently against the proposed raping of our beautiful and valuable countryside just to satisfy the greed of Sunnica. There are several methods available to us as a nation, to generate energy in... Read more

  • Pierre Nortje

    I am hopeful that this application succeeds as this is the future of energy capture & will benefit us all.

  • Rev James Hurst

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. 1. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land is... Read more

  • Robert J M Bright

    I live in the village of Worlington and and have a good knowledge of the surrounding villages. This proposal by Sunnica is outrageous and will inflict a blot on the landscape as it covers such an... Read more

  • Vanessa Couch

    I consider the proposal to be vastly to big, it will have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area. It has always been a rural area, please don’t keep ruining the countryside. Bearing in mind the... Read more

  • Andrew Dickson

    1.This huge solar scheme is not sustainable as it loses quality irrigatable farmland, just when the UK must increase home grown food production.This cannot be replaced somewhere else and is hugely... Read more

  • Darren Hughes

    I feel that the proposed development is not in the best interest of local people and the environment due to the following: 1. Safety concerns about the safety of a large battery storage sit on the... Read more

  • Fergus McCoig

    Crazy-paving approach to a large industry project suggests poor forethought Suspicion of ulterior motives for this project given energy production levels will be low and carbon-neutrality in question... Read more

  • Gary Timmins

    The Sunnica project is FAR TOO LARGE for one rural area. Huge negative impact in residents where pollution, noise, traffic etc will all increase dramatically and for decades to come. Productive land... Read more

  • Ian Maclaren

    Health & safety concerns. Very big concerns of the toxic gases this will cause if there was a fire. It’s in close proximity to our schools and residence. It will take away valuable farm land needed... Read more

  • Ian Threlfall


  • Isleham Parish Council (Isleham Parish Council)

    This scheme is flawed. Its proposed benefits are completely outweighed by the economic, environmental and wellbeing costs, the need for increased food production and to become a more independent and... Read more

  • Jeffrey Bryan Sadler

    We object to the Sunnica Energy Farm Proposal for the following Reasons. 1) The size & scale of the proposal 2) Objection to the Compulsory Acquisition Of Agricultural Land 3) Total disregard for the... Read more

  • Jeremy Richardson

    I entirely support the use of wind and solar power but not at the price of losing the food that is generated on the first-class agricultural land around here; land that is well irrigated and therefore... Read more

  • John Ryan

    I strongly appose these plans the quality of the agricultural land will be lost to this development. I wish to reject the proposal for the Sunnica. I feel that this will effect the Racing Industry,the... Read more

  • Karin Dobbie

    I feel that good agricultural land should not be used for solar panels. It will destroy the countryside, disturb wildlife and footpaths and encroach on the racing centre of Newmarket. The battery... Read more

  • Lorraine Stone

    Size, scale and location. A power plant equivalent to 2,227 football pitches on 2,500 acres of farmland is unacceptable, and disproportionate. The landscape will be blighted by 1,000,000 2.5 meter... Read more

  • Michael Stanley P Stone

    Size, scale and location. A power plant equivalent to 2,227 football pitches on 2,500 acres of farmland is unacceptable, and disproportionate. The landscape will be blighted by 1,000,000 2.5 meter... Read more

  • Mr Christopher Mason

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good arable farmland will be permanently transferred to commercial use. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation, and our arable land... Read more

  • Neil Gibson

    Living in Burwell I object to the Sunnica Energy Farm as it will impact on my local area and has fundamental flaws that everyone in the UK should be aware of and be concerned about:- A few of these... Read more

  • Ricky Cornish

    I am very concerned about the following : Size and Location - not far from a lot of housing and schools Dangerous Size of the batteries and how safe they really are ! At least 2 years of Lorry traffic... Read more

  • Russell Leaman

    - Batteries: the large size of the storage batteries (banned in Arizona), the concern over thermal runaway should they catch fire and the emission of noxious gases, is a serious risk to local people.... Read more

  • Sean Gilgunn

    I object to this project because it will mean a significant area of farmland will be permanently lost to commercial use. As a nation, we need to be more self sufficient and protect our arable land as... Read more