
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 476 to 500 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Darren McVee

    IN general I support this initiative and the need for renewable energy. I have the following concerns: The large scale of the project - Sunnica Ltd have no experience at this scale. The sites use... Read more

  • Karen Goodman on behalf of David Goodman (David Goodman)

    nearly 3,000 acres of prime farmland will be gone for ever particularly when we need to be as self sufficient as we can be. Acres of glass near villages who are all against the project.40acres taken... Read more

  • David Sandison

    I urge you to block this project, or at least to substantially reduce its scope. I am concerned at the environmental impact both immediate and in the long term. The projects carbon footprint is huge.... Read more

  • James Ferguson

    -Over 1,000,000 solar panels most likely imported from China and therefore not as sustainable as suggested. -2,500 acres of good arable greenfield land which be ruined and turned into brownfield site... Read more

  • James Smith

    I object to this application for the following reasons. 1. Nearly 1000 vehicles will be used daily by Sunnica passing through Chippenham in the morning and evening. This is a village already clogged... Read more

  • Kay Blackwell

    Health & Safety:- Potential fires & release of poisonous gas 1 mile from schools and surrounding residential areas. 77 acres used for battery storage compounds close to Red Lodge. Fire breakouts from... Read more

  • Kevin Hiskey

    i am objecting to sunnica energy farm being built at the planned location as this will affect the landscape i enjoy seeing every day and it will be changed for ever i also dont think sunnica have gave... Read more

  • Laura Dunling

    I am writing to object to the scheme, due to the following reasons - 1. Disruption during installation The continuous piling can be heard at our house, this is know from similar installations within... Read more

  • Linda Davill

    I feel that the proposals made by sunnica to build this energy farm in the beautiful landscape that i and many other residents in the area would be blighted and will never be the same again i feel... Read more

  • Mark Smith

    concern over scale of the solar farm. concerns how close,especially the battery storage is to our homes. massive concerns of fire hazard&toxic gases to health. massive concerns for our house price.... Read more

  • Matthew Dunling

    I am writing to object to the scheme, due to the following reasons - 1. Disruption during installation The continuous piling can be heard at our house, this is know from similar installations within... Read more

  • Michael Highland

    Good Morning, I would like further information in relation to the Sunnica project. I hear a lot of negatives in relation to the land being used for Solar panels but I do not have enough factual... Read more

  • Mr Nick Osborne

    My representation consists of objections to the Sunnica Solar farm project & reasons for my opposition to the scheme. 1/ The scale and scope of the project is excessively large and does not represent... Read more

  • Mrs Joan Willsmer

    I am concerned about the impact on the local environment and the safety of people , particularly the close proximity of the battery farms to Red Lodge. Also the increase of HGV vehicles in the area.

  • Pauline Jennings

    - Huge loss of good quality local farmland. This land should be for the benefit of food & animal sustainability. Detrimental to so much wildlife. - Safety concerns. The batteries are extremely... Read more

  • Catherine Judkins on behalf of Peter Flat (Peter Flat)

    We object to the Sunnica proposal because we feel that the land will be needed for food. We have been in farming all of our lives, the land in this area is good farming land. We grew wheat, sugar... Read more

  • Raymond A Shipp

    Danger of the LI ION battery storage sites close to family homes (Fire Hazard giving off LETHAL POISONOUS GASES ) !! All EXCELLENT QUALITY Green Field land to be used !! UK ONLY 64% self sufficient in... Read more

  • Richard John Fridd

    Although, I like the principle of becoming energy self sufficient and generating our own electricity I do not believe that these land based schemes are viable and efficient use of space. I object to... Read more

  • Sam Bullard

    This is prime UK farmland which is based in the heart of rural England. We all want sustainable fuel, the marine based wind farms provide a great deal of this. These pylons have not started to harness... Read more

  • Sophie Sandison

    I would be so depressed if this horrible project goes ahead. I want to reduce dependence on fossil fuels but I do not believe Sunnica’s proposal is an appropriate way to tackle the issue. It will... Read more

  • The Isleham Society (The Isleham Society)

    The Isleham Society exists to encourage interest in the heritage of the village and its surroundings. All fifty members at our last meeting requested that we register concern about: the scale of the... Read more

  • Victoria Bullard

    I am objecting to this application because it is far too big for its location and ruins too many local communities. It will affect 7 villages in all ruining their views their rural lifestyle and their... Read more

  • Yvette Smith

    I would like to state that I am not against solar energy. I am however against the plans put forward by Sunnica, for the following reasons: 1. I live [redacted] in Chippenham, and I am very concerned... Read more

  • Alan Kinninmonth

    Loss of valuable farming land (especially since the horrific aggression in Ukraine) We need to be able to produce more of our own food in this country Loss of natural environment The loss of trees,... Read more

  • Anne Mitchell (Anne Mitchell)

    I feel fear for the younger generations who will grow up in an area, which has been devastated by the solar panels, and concrete and fencing. I would have expected the site to be cleared by the... Read more