
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 451 to 475 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Alison Young

    I am concerned that the way things are going in the world today, that we need to preserve every piece of arable land that we have to provide food for future generations. There are other areas of land... Read more

  • Andrew Northfield

    1. The size of the proposed development is too big. 2. The proposed battery storage facilities are located too close to existing houses and are a potential risk to health in the event of a fire. 3.... Read more

  • Ann Holton

    Loss of arable land and wildlife habitats Destruction of many houses Installation of storage batteries with a fire risk Increase of lorries on roads over a huge area Ugly solar panels on beautiful... Read more

  • Bryan Oliver

    While clearly the UK needs to increase its renewable electricity supplies this cannot be at any cost. I know this area rural area very well living here all my life. The scheme as planned will cause... Read more

  • Carol Elizabeth Denson

    1. Chippenham road structures cannot support any additional traffic. In particular heavy construction vehicles, negotiating narrow turnings. There are numerous racing establishments en route, with... Read more

  • Charlotte MacTulloch-Gair

    77 acres of battery storage compounds close to Red Lodge Health and Safety risk of potential fires and release of poisonous gases only 1 mile away from schools Hundreds of HGV vehicles clogging up the... Read more

  • Chris Royston

    I strongly object to the Sunnica Solar Farm Development. Even given the current energy situation, it is important for our future generations that the renewable energy we use is sustainable, reduces... Read more

  • Clare Cambridge

    As a farmer I am concerned about the Giant Solar Farm; this development will destroy over 2500 acres of decent arable land . Britain is more dependent than ever upon our own soil for food production.... Read more

  • Colleen Alexande

    I want to register my STRONG objection to the proposed SUNNICA FARM a project which will have a huge negative impact on myself and my family who live in Isleham and Burwell. We left Cambridge for the... Read more

  • David Holton

    - Loss of arable land - Dangerous battery storage system - Proximity to residential areas and schools - Greatly increased traffic on rural roads, both during construction and for maintenance when in... Read more

  • Debbie Davies

    I object to the proposal for Sunnica on the following grounds : - the devastation of arable farm land and destruction of natural habitats for wildlife - the possible decrease in house prices which... Read more

  • Deborah Harden

    Will severely affect the beauty of our environment. Detracts from views around the area and affects wildlife population.

  • Dr Colin Groom

    1. The planning application (in particular the maps provided) fail to represent other recently developed solar farm installations. The plans and the application must be resubmitted identifying all... Read more

  • Dr Henrietta Deasy

    -Poor use of Prime agricultural land. I know this is prime land as my brother farms in the area. I am concerned that as a country we need to become more self sufficient in food production. Global... Read more

  • Geoff Crowley

    I am against the Sunnica solar farm application for the following reasons: It is too close to residential properties - Whilst i am not against the idea in principle, it is the location of this site... Read more

  • Grant Harden

    Will severely affect the beauty of the area Will impact our daily enjoyment of our environment Will add nothing to the local area in terms of economy except those employed or associates with Sunnica... Read more

  • Rachel Howe

    I am against this for the following reasons. 1. Safety. Potential fire risk and the devastation that would follow. 2. Loss of farm land. 3. Loss of natural habitat bfor wildlife 4. An eyesore for our... Read more

  • Terence Walter Chinery

    I wish to object to this development. Loss of 2,500 acres of farmland which we cannot afford to lose. Around 77 acres are for battery compounds to house volatile batteries. When they catch fire they... Read more

  • A Scripls

    The proposed energy farm takes over too much of the current arable land surrounding the villages. This impacts on the farming community and their employees. There are implications in the future as the... Read more

  • Ali Aston

    Dross safety - vehicles coming down unsuitable roads Safety of the batteries when I gets too hot. The scale of this operation is completely unnecessary. Not actually eco friendly or sustainable... Read more

  • Mr Christopher Mason on behalf of Angeles Hornero del Castillo (Angeles Hornero del Castillo)

    I object to this project because it will mean a huge area of good arable land will be permanently transferred to commercial use. We need to be more self sufficient as a nation in respect of food... Read more

  • Anne Lister

    I totally object to the sunnica solar and battery farm application 1. This is a rural area with a long history of farming , This area has always had a high yield of arable crops i.e sugar beet... Read more

  • Bob Humphrey

    This is farm land that is needed more than ever to enable the UK to grow local food to feed the country and should not be given up to Solar parks. Wind farms would be much more appropriate. Solar... Read more

  • Catherine Barrow

    I consider that the development is far too large and some of the sites proposed will have a significant negative impact on the Character of the area. The southern Sunnica sites are principally within... Read more

  • Claire Bishop

    The vast size of this solar plant has concerns for me as the proposed acreage of the BESS compounds appear to be unprecedented and the safety is a major concern for me as a motherof two school age... Read more