
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 601 to 625 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Elizabeth Jane Orde-Powlett

    I strongly object to the Sunnica proposals. Food Production. To use 2,500 acres of good agricultural land producing essential food, particularly in view of the Ukraine situation, cannot be defended.... Read more

  • Frances Mary Taylor

    I am objecting to the Sunnica Scheme on the following grounds 1. already exisintg and under construction solar farms in the area doing away with valuable farming land when we are facing huge food... Read more

  • Friends of Isleham Nature Reserves (Friends of Isleham Nature Reserves)

    Friends of Isleham Nature Reserves wishes to express their concern over the loss of, and disruption to, habitat which will be caused if the Sunnica Energy farm is given planning consent. There is much... Read more

  • Gavin Hunter

    This is a waste of good agricultural land which could provide food for the uk and would prevent the needs of importing similar foodstuffs. The land is approached by small country roads which are... Read more

  • Gay Jarvis

    I have lived in Newmarket for over 40 years and am very upset to see this proposal. Newmarket is a beautiful areas and the racing industry is a centre of excellence across the world. It will be hard... Read more

  • Greenvale (Greenvale)

    I intend to object to the proposed solar energy farm. I am Potato Procurement Manager for Greenvale AP one of the leading suppliers of potatoes in the UK. I buy potatoes from land in and around the... Read more

  • Isabel Cross

    I object to the Sunnica application and how it will impact my community Scale: This solar/industrial plant is ridiculously large, covering approx. 2,500 acres greenfield and prime food-producing land... Read more

  • Jackie Clover

    I am against the Sunnica Application for a number of reasons: This is prime arable farmland which should be used to grow crops to feed the nation reducing our dependency from abroad. The solar panels... Read more

  • James Moore

    My wife and I own, and are resident at, Queens Hill Worlington. Queens Hill directly adjoins the proposed Sunnica East site boundary and is identified in the PEIR as having a significant visual impact... Read more

  • Jane Constable

    This site is far too big and would take away good farming land. In an age of trying to cut down on reducing our carbon footprint this doesn't make any sense. Also, what happens to the land after 40... Read more

  • Jane George

    In the strong terms I am firmly against this proposed application. We live in a beautiful part of the countryside and with 2,500 acres of solar panels, plus the dangers of the battery energy storage... Read more

  • Jane Laing

    ENVIRONMENT I have recently returned to live in the UK after many years in South Africa. Reading through the Sunnica application I can only say with total amazement, “What are you doing?” HERITAGE Do... Read more

  • Jane Saul

    I have no confidence in the battery boxes being used .Also being so close to schools and residential areas ,it will not be safe ! After hearing and reading of fires and evacuations in Liverpool !

  • John Gosden Ltd (John Gosden Ltd)

    I wish to make a representation to the Sunnica Consultation voicing my strongest possible objection to this development. It is utterly without merit and needs to be rejected. The size is grotesque on... Read more

  • John Morrey

    I currently work within the racing industry in Newmarket and have done so for the last 20 years. Whilst I am in favour of sustainable renewable energy schemes I am against the proposed Sunnica Solar... Read more

  • John Wick

    Lithium Iron batteries cause me great concern. The largest in the country far to big for our flat landscape Good arable land being taken up by this project, we need to be able to feed ourselves,... Read more

  • Mark Takacs

    Increased site traffic destroying our roads, road safety concerns. High quality farmland being destroyed. Noise pollution. Low efficience due low number of sunny hours in UK. Wild life and... Read more

  • Matt Hankins

    This is a sinful waste of purely good and limited agricultural land for a green energy that is inefficient and can be acquired in far better ways. This is a industrialisation of the countryside that... Read more

  • Matthew Bowler

    * Safety concerns due to Li-ion batteries * Economic effect on local housing market * Environmental concerns * Lack of long term safety studies on Li-ion BESS * Being used for profit rather than... Read more

  • Michael Church

    I would like to object to this development, I do not believe it is right that the UK should be depend on importing so much of our basic foodstuffs, which we are capable of growing here. During my... Read more

  • Michael Gee

    I object to the proposed Sunnica solar farm around our village and set out some of my reasons below: - The environmental impact will be large with wildlife being disturbed, an increase in HGV traffic... Read more

  • Mr Giuseppe Piletto

    I strongly object to this application for the following reasons: - Consultations were not properly conducted. - Concerned about the safety of the BESS if they were to catch fire. - Huge plant too... Read more

  • Mrs Grace Piletto

    Yes to solar, NO to living in a Power Plant! I am concerned about the large scale of this project, the safety of the huge storage batteries. The dangerous toxic fumes they will emit if fires occur.... Read more

  • Mrs Linda Breeze

    OBJECTIONS TO SUNNICA ENERGY FARM SIZE AND LOCATION Solar farms have their place in providing non-fossil fuel energy but they should be sympathetic to the surrounding environment. Sunnica's proposed... Read more

  • Patrick Christopher Orde-Powlett

    Carbon Emission. This will be increased which will lead to further global warming, which is in direct contrast to the international agreement made in Glasgow at COP26 in October 2021 between about 80... Read more