
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 651 to 675 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Jack Smith

    I would like to register my objection to the proposed Sunnica Energy Farm. Whilst I accept there is a need for greener sources of energy and that indeed solar power can be a key part of this the... Read more

  • Jacqui Sayers

    I oppose the Sunnica plan due to its detrimental impact on the environment and also its damaging effects on the wellbeing of the local community and the local infrastructure.

  • Jamie Monument

    My issue with the project is the sheer scale. This will have an enormous impact in the community and environment. In terms of community, the landscape will change forever - this will effect the local... Read more

  • Jane Harrington

    Loss of vital grade one agricultural land. The impact on the farming community as regards loss of income, loss of businesses, loss of vital and sustainable food production, loss of employment. Lack of... Read more

  • Jean Cornwell

    Strong concerns of damage to the environment & views of the landscape. Loss of much needed agricultural land, for food. Loss of wildlife & its habitat. Concerns of batteries, so big & worries of fire... Read more

  • Jen Wallis

    High grade valuable farmland must be used to provide food fir this country. Stop letting farmers lease their land to these idiotic companies. Wind and solar farms are nit efficient and most definitely... Read more

  • John Semmelmann

    Size and construction of project :way too close to our village-less than 100 metres from my house :total loss of open farming land forever! :huge volume of concrete required will mean a huge extra... Read more

  • Lesley Gross

    I don't want my local countryside covered by solar panels, I walk my dog around this area daily and it helps keep me sane. There will be no benefits to local people: no jobs, but immense disruption... Read more

  • Marie Shortland

    TOO BIG AND WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT PEOPLE’s MENTAL HEALTH. A normal Solar Farm size is 75 to 100 acres. Sunnica’s is an Industrial Power Plant, the largest in Europe at 2,792 acres, equivalent to 2,115... Read more

  • Michael Lambourn-Brown

    This is a terrible waste of good grade farmland , it will devastate the local villages , this is far too big a planning matter and really can not be allowed to happen.

  • Sean McGinty on behalf of Mrs J McGinty (Mrs J McGinty )

    This is an inappropriately large project in a rural location close to small villages. A greater quantity of green electricity could be generated by other means without the need to occupy so much... Read more

  • Nicolette Porcheron

    1. Fire hazard over areas near homes. Danger of escape of poisonous gases. 2. Profit will go to private company at expense of local environment. 3. Land used is good farmland and cannot be replaced.... Read more

  • Paul Tuli

    The size and scale of the proposed Sunnica solar energy facility will have a significant negative visual impact on the surrounding countryside for decades. This part of Suffolk and Cambridgeshire is... Read more

  • Peter Browne

    1/ I object to paying twice for my electricity. To allow for the grid to maintain supplies when the solar farm is not generating the other forms of generation need to be maintained. These other... Read more

  • Philip Baker

    Concentrating solely on the need to mitigate the worst effects of Climate Change will lead to further problems in the future. At this time of impending national emergency over the threat of war, there... Read more

  • Rosa De Simone

    Britain faces a worsening agricultural crisis if it presses ahead with turning thousands of acres of land into solar farms to meet net zero carbon targets. If the proposals are given the go-ahead, it... Read more

  • Sally Lambourn-Brown

    Hundreds of acres of farmland and beautiful countryside are going to be taken, disrupting natural beauty, ecology and wildlife. Surely there must be other more industrial types of sites that could be... Read more

  • Sam Carter


  • Sarah Lawrence

    From all that I have read and seen on the matter, I believe that Sunnica is a scheme that provides no direct local benefits: - No local jobs - Extensive disruption during construction – increase... Read more

  • Suzanne Morse

    I am strongly in favour of this application. I live in close proximity to where this will be built and have absolutely no objection to the planning. This is necessary to move this country forward in... Read more

  • Teresa Peachey

    The scheme is far too big. In this time to take away such amazing growing land is ridiculous. The wildlife that would be made extinct through putting such panels over the land cannot be measured. Many... Read more

  • Zsanett Moricz

    - Increased site traffic destroying our roads, road safety concerns. - High quality farmland being destroyed. - Noise pollution. - Low efficience due low number of sunny hours in UK. - Wild life and... Read more

  • Adam Singleton

    I have a massive concern in several areas! Firstly, the obvious one, as a country we can't afford to lose this amount of fertile farm land! Surely solar farms are better situated on contaminated or... Read more

  • Alan Burge

    1. Disruption to village residents 2. Fire hazard of battery storage units 3. Alternative sites should be sought in industrial locations 4. We already have many solar farms in this region 5. We need... Read more

  • Alison Oliver

    I object to the Sunnica application on the following grounds: Environmental Impact - The devastation of the surrounding countryside, during construction, maintenance, lifespan and decommissioning of... Read more